Now showing items 21-23 of 23

    • Casas de Prada, Jesús; Crisóstomo, G.; Cifuentes, L. (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005-12-30)
      This work presents theoretical and experimental results on the speciation of the Fe(Il)-Fe(III)-H2SO4-H2O system in concentrated solutions (up to 2.2 m H2SO4 and 1.3 m Fe). The aim was to study the chemical equilibria of ...
    • Cifuentes, L.; Casas de Prada, Jesús; Simpson, J. (INST CHEMICAL ENGINEERS, 2006-10)
      Validated speciation models and revised thermodynamic data have been used to establish the temperature dependence of the concentrations of all the main species in aqueous Cu(II)-H2SO4 and Fe(II)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 solutions in ...
    • Sepúlveda Estay, Consuelo Alejandra (Universidad de Chile, 2006)
      Las escorias de fundición constituyen uno de los principales desechos sólidos en las plantas de la industria del cobre, lo cual aumenta día a día. En Chile por cada tonelada de cobre producido se generan alrededor 2,2 ton ...