Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Ávalos, Ana María; Apablaza, Felipe A.; Quiroz, Mariana; Toledo, Viviana; Peña, Juan Pedro; Michea Acevedo, Luis; Irarrázabal, Carlos E.; Carrión, Flavio A.; Figueroa, Fernando E. (Society of Biology of Chile, 2012)
      Th17 cells, a recently described subtype of CD4+ effector lymphocytes, have been linked to cell-mediated autoimmune and inflammatory diseases as well as to cardiovascular diseases. However, the participation of IL-17A in ...
    • Ávalos, Ana María; Valdivia, A. D.; Muñoz, Nicolás; Herrera Molina, Rodrigo; Tapia Pineda, Julio; Lavandero González, Sergio; Chiong Lay, Mario; Burridge, Keith; Schneider, P.; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Leyton Campos, Lisette (COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD, 2009-10)
      Clustering of alpha v beta 3 integrin after interaction with the RGD-like integrin-binding sequence present in neuronal Thy-1 triggers formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers in astrocytes via RhoA activation. A ...
    • Morales, P.; Klawitter, V.; Johansson, S.; Huaiquín, P.; Barros, V. G.; Ávalos, Ana María; Fiedler Temer, Jenny; Bustamante, D.; Gómez Urquijo, Sonia; Goiny, Michel; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario (ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD, 2003-09-18)
      The effect of perinatal asphyxia on brain development was studied with organotypic cultures from substantia nigra, neostriatum and neocortex. Asphyxia was induced by immersing foetuses-containing uterine horns removed from ...
    • Brenet Rivas, Marianne del Pilar; Martínez, Samuel; Pérez Núñez, Ramón; Pérez González, Leonardo Andrés; Contreras, Pamela; Díaz, Jorge; Ávalos, Ana María; Schneider, Pascal; Quest, Andrew Frederick Geoffery; Leyton Campos, Lisette (Frontiers Media, 2021)
      Cancer cell adhesion to the vascular endothelium is an important step in tumor metastasis. Thy-1 (CD90), a cell adhesion molecule expressed in activated endothelial cells, has been implicated in melanoma metastasis by ...