Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Hernandez Rocha, Cristian; Pidal P, Paola; Ajenjo, Cristina; Quera Pino, Rodrigo; Quintanilla, Marcela; Lubascher, Jaime; Jemenao Pacheco, María; Ibáñez, Patricio; Alvarez Lobos, Manuel; Diomedi, Alexis; Marcotti, Alejandra; Acuña Avila, Mirta; Arab, Juan; Riquelme, Arnoldo; Candia, Roberto; Carvajal, Sergio (Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2016)
      Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) has become very important due to the increase in its incidence, severity, recurrence and the associated economic burden. Having a national consensus guideline is essential ...
    • Loyola Arenas, Paula; Tordecillas Cadiu, Juan; Benadof, Dona; Yohannessen Vásquez, Karla; Acuña Avila, Mirta (Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2015)
      Background: The isolation of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp (ERV) has increased significantly within the last few years, along with the risk of infection and dissemination of these bacteria. Our aim was to ...
    • Acuña Avila, Mirta; Benadof Fuentes, Dona; Yohannessen Vásquez, Karla; Leiva, Yennybeth; Clement Campillo, Pascale (BMC, 2022)
      Background: Central nervous system (CNS) infection has been an ongoing concern in paediatrics. The FilmArray (R) Meningoencephalitis (FAME) panel has greater sensitivity in identifying the aetiology of CNS infections. This ...