Browsing by Author "Allende, Catherine C."
Now showing items 1-20 of 35
A protein inhibitor of calmodulin-regulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in amphibian ovaries Jedlicki, Eugenia; Orellana, Omar; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1985)The cytosol fraction of an extract of Xenopus laevis ovaries contains a protein inhibitor that can specifically block the activation of calmodulin-sensitive cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE I) found in that tissue. ...
Hinrichs, María V.; Jedlicki, Ana; Tellez, Rowena; Pongor, Sándor; Gatica, Marta; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1993)Casein kinase II (CKII) is a ubiquitous protein kinase, found predominantly in cell nuclei, which has two subunits in a tetrameric α2β2 or αα′2 conformation. The catalytic center is present in the α subunit which is active ...
Gatica, Marta; Jedlicki, Ana; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1994)The cDNA gene coding for the α subunit of Xenopus laevis casein kinase II was mutated using the overlap extension PCR method. The mutation substituted glutamic acids for Lys75 and Lys76, changing the charge distribution ...
Jordana, Xavier; Otero, Carlos; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E.; Flawia, Mirtha M.; Kornblihtt, Alberto R.; Torres, Hector N. (Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers, 1981)An adenylate cyclase activity was identified and characterized in preparations from Xenopus laevis ovarian tissue and follicles. The enzyme is more active in the presence of Mn2+ than of Mg2+, and it is highly activated ...
Gatica, Marta; Tarragó, Adela; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1975)THE microinjection technique perfected by Gurdon and his collaborators 1,2 represents an excellent method for the study of the in vivo effects of drastically changing the molecular contents of the injected cells. We have ...
Cosmelli, Diego; Antonelli, Marcelo; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1997)Protein kinase CK2 (casein kinase 2) is a ubiquitous Ser/Thr protein kinase involved in cell proliferation. Mutation of the α subunit of the Xenopus laevis CK2 to change aspartic acid 156 to alanine (CK2αA156) resulted in ...
Budini, Mauricio; Jacob, Germaine; Jedlicki, Ana; Pérez, Carolina; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (2009)CK1 constitutes a protein kinase subfamily that is involved in many important physiological processes. However, there is limited knowledge about mechanisms that regulate their activity. Isoforms CK1δ and CKlε were previously ...
Burzio, Veronica; Antonelli, Marcelo; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (2002)Protein kinase CK1 (previously known as casein kinase I) conforms to a subgroup of the great protein kinase family found in eukaryotic organisms. The CK1 subgroup of vertebrates contains seven members known as α, β, γ1, ...
Tapia, Julio; Bolanos-Garcia, Victor M.; Sayed, Muhammed; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (2004)The protein kinase CK2 is constituted by two catalytic (α and/or α′) and two regulatory (β) subunits. CK2 phosphorylates more than 300 proteins with important functions in the cell cycle. This study has looked at the ...
Jedlicki Corbeaux, Ana; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (Springer, 2008)The effect of CK2 beta on the activity of CK2 alpha and other protein kinases that can bind this regulatory subunit is not fully understood. In an attempt to improve our understanding of this effect, chimeras of CK2 alpha ...
Tapia, Claudio; Featherstone, Terence; Gómez, Claudio; Taillon-Miller, Patricia; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1994)A cDNA clone coding for human protein kinase CK1 (casein kinase 1) has been isolated and sequenced demonstrating that it corresponds to a homolog of the CK1α form found in bovine brain. The derived amino acid sequence of ...
Antonelli, Marcelo; Daniotti, José L.; Rojo, Daniel; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1996)The protein kinase casein kinase 2 (CK2) is ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells and is apparently involved in the control of cell division. The holoenzyme is a tetramer composed of two catalytic subunits (α and/or α') and ...
Tellez, Rowena; Gatica, Marta; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1990)Polypeptides rich in glutamic acid are strong inhibitors purified from isolated nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes of casein kinase II. The presence of tyrosine in these peptides greatly enhances their inhibitory capacity. ...
Jordana, Xavier; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1982)
Antonelli, Marcelo; Olate, Juan; Graf, Rolf; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1992)Polylysine, polyornithine and, to a lesser extent, polyarginine were found to stimulate the GTPase activity of the purified recombinant α subunit of the human Gi-3 transducing protein αi-3. Optimal stimulation of 4- to ...
Gatica, Marta; Jacob, Germaine; Allende, Jorge E.; Allende, Catherine C. (1995)The recombinant α subunit of protein kinase CK2 (casein kinase 2) from Xenopus laevis is inhibited by the addition of single stranded or double stranded DNA. This inhibition is competitive with the casein substrate, having ...
Gatica, Marta; Hinrichs, María V.; Jedlicki, Ana; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1993)CaSein kinase II purified from the nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes as well as the recombinant α and β subunits of the X. laevis CKII, produced in E. coli from the cloned cDNA genes, were tested with different divalent ...
Gatica, Marta; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1980)The in vivo activity of phenylalanyl-tRNA ligase of Xenopus laevis oocytes was assayed by measuring the esterification of microinjected yeast tRNAPhe with [14C]phenylalanine added to the extracellular medium. The three ...
Wilhelm, Vivian; Rojas, Patricio; Gatica, Marta; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1995)Northern‐blot analysis of RNAs from different tissues demonstrated that the mRNA for the protein kinase CK2α subunit is very abundant in the ovary of Xenopus laevis. The competitive reverse‐PCR technique has been used to ...
Tellez, Rowena; Allende, Catherine C.; Allende, Jorge E. (1992)Polyglutamate analogs of folate and related compounds were tested as inhibitors of casein kinase II (CK II) obtained from Xenopus laevis. The inhibitory capacity of the pteroyl, 4-amino-10-methyl pteroyl (the methotrexate ...