Browsing by Author "Alvarado, Ángel Tito"
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Frequency of CYP1A1*2A polymorphisms and deletion of the GSMT1 gene in a Peruvian mestizo population Alvarado, Ángel Tito; Muñoz, Ana María; Saravia Bartra, María; Valderrama Wong, Milton; González Aristegui, Daniela; Quiñones Sepúlveda, Luis Abel; Varela Figueroa, Nelson Miguel; Bendezú, María Rocío; García, Jorge Antonio; Loja Herrera, Berta (Pensoft, 2021)The polymorphic variants of CYP1A1 and the deletion of GSTM1 are present in the Peruvian mestizo population. Wild type and mutated genotypes (WT/*2A and *2A/ *2A) were identified, whose allele frequencies are 0.31 (T allele) ...
Alvarado, Ángel Tito; Muñoz, Ana María; Loja, Berta; Miyasato, Jessica Michiko; García, Jorge Antonio; Cerro, Roberto Andrés; Quiñones, Luis Abel; Varela, Nelson Miguel (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2019)Introduction: CYP2C9 metabolizes approximately 15% of the prescribed drugs. Its gene has alleles whose frequencies differ between ethnic groups and populations. The alleles CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3, account for an enzyme with ...