Browsing by Author "Alvarez, Osvaldo"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Alcayaga Urbina, Carmen (Universisdad de Chile, 1987)Canales de potasio activados por calcio aislados de membrana de tubulos trasversales de musculo esquelético y de músculos lisos intestino de conejo fueron incorporados en bicapas lipídicas artificiales. Se midió el potencial ...
Villarroel G., Alfredo Alberto (Universidad de Chile, 1986)
Oberhauser Bittig, Andrés (Universisdad de Chile, 1987)El canal de K+ activado por Ca+ de musculo esquelético es una proteína de membrana, cuya actividad depende de la [Ca+] intracelular y del potencial eléctrico a través de la membrana. En este canal se desconoce las ...
Determination of the stoichiometry between alpha- and gamma 1 subunits of the BK channel using LRET Carrasquel Ursulaez, Willy; Alvarez, Osvaldo; Bezanilla, Francisco; Latorre, Ramón (Cell Press, 2018)Two families of accessory proteins, beta and gamma, modulate BK channel gating and pharmacology. Notably, in the absence of internal Ca2+, the gamma 1 subunit promotes a large shift of the BK conductance-voltage curve to ...
García, Isaac E.; Villanelo, Felipe; Contreras, Gustavo F.; Pupo, Amaury; Pinto, Bernardo I.; Contreras, Jorge E.; Pérez Acle, Tomás; Alvarez, Osvaldo; Latorre, Ramón; Martínez, Agustín D.; González, Carlos (Rockefeller University Press, 2018)Mutations in connexin 26 (Cx26) hemichannels can lead to syndromic deafness that affects the cochlea and skin. These mutations lead to gain-of-function hemichannel phenotypes by unknown molecular mechanisms. In this study, ...