Browsing by Author "Aschauer, Florian"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Hössinger, Reinhard; Aschauer, Florian; Jara Díaz, Sergio; Jokubauskaite, Simona; Schmid, Basil; Peer, Stefanie; Axhausen, Kay; Gerike, Regine (Springer, 2020)Based on a time-use model with a sound theoretical basis and carefully collected data for Austria, the value of leisure (VoL) for different population segments has been estimated. Through the combination of these results ...
Schmid, Basil; Jokubauskaite, Simona; Aschauer, Florian; Peer, Stefanie; Hössinger, Reinhard; Gerike, Regine; Jara Díaz, Sergio; Axhausen, Kay W. (Elsevier Ltd, 2019)Being of great importance for transportation policy appraisals, we investigate mode and user-type effects in the value of travel time savings (VTTS) using a pooled RP/SP Mixed Logit modeling approach for mode, route and ...
Aschauer, Florian; Hossinger, Reinhard; Jara Díaz, Sergio Rodolfo; Schmid, Basil; Axhausen, Kay; Gerike, Regine (Elsevier, 2021)A well-known problem in Household Travel Surveys (HTS) is item-nonresponse, which occurs when complete trips are not reported or only partial information for trips is given. This article presents a comprehensive data ...
Jokubauskaite, Simona; Hoessinger, Reinhard; Jara Díaz, Sergio Rodolfo; Peer, Stefanie; Schneebaum, Alyssa; Schmid, Basil; Aschauer, Florian; Gerike, Regine; Axhausen, Kay W.; Leisch, Friedrich (Springer, 2021)The value of travel time savings (VTTS) representing the willingness to pay to reduce travel time, consists of two components: the value of liberating time [equal to the value of leisure (VoL)] and the value of time assigned ...
Jokubauskaitė, Simona; Hössinger, Reinhard; Jara Díaz, Sergio; Peer, Stefanie; Schneebaum, Alyssa; Schmid, Basil; Aschauer, Florian; Gerike, Regine; Axhausen, Kay W.; Leisch, Friedrich (Springer, 2021)The value of travel time savings (VTTS) representing the willingness to pay to reduce travel time, consists of two components: the value of liberating time [equal to the value of leisure (VoL)] and the value of time ...
Schmid, Basil; Molloy, Joseph; Peer, Stefanie; Jokubauskaite, Simona; Aschauer, Florian; Hössinger, Reinhard; Gerike, Regine; Jara Díaz, Sergio Rodolfo; Axhausen, Kay W. (Elsevier, 2021)We use state-of-the art estimation approaches to obtain mode-specific values of travel time savings (VTTS) based on pooled RP/SP travel choice data of Zurich workers. Unlike the large majority of time valuation studies, ...