Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Tuomi, Mikko; Butler, R. P.; Jones, H. R.; Anglada Escudé, Guillem; Horner, Jonathan; Tinney, C. G.; Marshall, J. P.; Carter, B. D.; Bailey, J.; Salter, G. S.; O’Toole, S. J.; Wright, D.; Crane, J. D.; Schectman, S. A.; Arriagada, P.; Thompson, I.; Minniti, D.; Jenkins, James Stewart; Diaz, M. (The American Astronomical Society., 2014)
      We report the detection of GJ 832c, a super-Earth orbiting near the inner edge of the habitable zone of GJ 832, an Mdwarf previously known to host a Jupiter analog in a nearly circular 9.4 yr orbit. The combination of ...
    • Jenkins, James Stewart; Díaz, M.; Jones, H. R. A.; Butler, R. P.; Tinney, C. G.; O’Toole, S. J.; Carter, B. D.; Wittenmyer, R. A.; Pinfield, D. J. (Oxford University Press, 2015)
      We report the detection of sixteen binary systems from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Solutions to the radial velocity data indicate that the stars have companions orbiting with a wide range of masses, eccentricities ...
    • Tuomi, M.; Jones, H. R. A.; Jenkins, James Stewart; Tinney, C. G.; Butler, R. P.; Vogt, S. S.; Barnes, J. R.; Wittenmyer, R. A.; O’Toole, S.; Horner, J.; Bailey, J.; Carter, B. D.; Wright, D. J.; Salter, G. S.; Pinfield, D. (EDP Sciences, 2013)
      Context. The abilities of radial velocity exoplanet surveys to detect the lowest-mass extra-solar planets are currently limited by a combination of instrument precision, lack of data, and “jitter”. Jitter is a general ...
    • Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Jones, M. I.; Horner, Jonathan; Kane, Stephen R.; Marshall, J. P.; Mustill, A. J.; Jenkins, James Stewart; Pena Rojas, P. A.; Zhao, Jinglin; Villaver, Eva; Butler, R. P.; Clark, Jake (IOP Publishing, 2017)
      Radial velocity observations from three instruments reveal the presence of a 4 M Jup planet candidate orbiting the K giant HD 76920. HD 76920b has an orbital eccentricity of 0.856 ±0.009, making it the most eccentric planet ...