Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Mastrochirico Filho, Vito A.; Ariede, Raquel B.; Freitas, Milena; Borges, Carolina H. S.; Lira, Lieschen V. G.; Mendes, Natalia J.; Agudelo, John F. G.; Cáceres, Pablo; Berrocal, Milthon H. M.; Sucerquia, Gustavo A. L.; Porto Foresti, Fabio; Yáñez, José; Hashimoto, Diogo T. (Nature Research, 2021)
      Scarce genomic resources have limited the development of breeding programs for serrasalmid fish Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui) and Piaractus mesopotamicus (pacu), the key native freshwater fish species produced in South ...
    • Cáceres, Pablo; Barría, Agustín; Christensen, Kris A.; Bassini Ney, Liane; Correa, Katharina; García, Baltasar; Lhorente Causade, Jean Paul; Yáñez López, José Manuel (Nature Research, Germany, 2021)
      Sea lice (Caligus rogercresseyi) is an ectoparasite which causes major production losses in the salmon aquaculture industry worldwide. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are two of the ...
    • Gálvez Cancino, Felipe; López, Ernesto; Menares, Evelyn; Díaz, Ximena; Zapata Flores, Camila; Cáceres, Pablo; Hidalgo, Sofía; Chovar, Ornella; Alcántara Hernández, Marcela; Borgna, Vicenzo; Varas Godoy, Manuel; Salazar Onfray, Flavio; Idoyaga, Juliana; Lladser, Álvaro (Taylor & Francis, 2018)
      Memory CD8(+) T cell responses have the potential to mediate long-lasting protection against cancers. Resident memory CD8(+) T (Trm) cells stably reside in non-lymphoid tissues and mediate superior innate and adaptive ...