Browsing by Author "Contreras, Carlos"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Folatelli, Gastón; Phillips, M. M.; Burns, Christopher R.; Contreras, Carlos; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Freedman, Wendy L.; Persson, S. E.; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Krisciunas, Kevin; Boldt, Luis; González Tagle, Sergio; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Morrell, Nidia; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Madore, Barry F.; Murphy, David; Wyatt, Pamela; Li, Weidong; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Miller, Nicole (2010-01)An analysis of the first set of low-redshift (z < 0.08) Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) monitored by the Carnegie Supernova Project between 2004 and 2006 is presented. The data consist of well-sampled, high-precision ...
Contreras, Carlos; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Phillips, M. M.; Folatelli, Gastón; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Persson, S. E.; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Boldt, Luis; González Tagle, Sergio; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Morrell, Nidia; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Maureira, María José; Burns, Christopher R.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Madore, Barry F.; Murphy, David; Wyatt, Pamela; Li, Weidong; Filippenko, Alexei V. (2009-10)The Carnegie Supernova Project is a five-year survey being carried out at the Las Cam- panas Observatory to obtain high-quality light curves of 100 low-redshift Type Ia supernovae in a well-defined photometric system. ...
Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Folatelli, Gastón; Morrell, Nidia; Phillips, Mark M.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Persson, S. E.; Roth, Miguel; González Tagle, Sergio; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Contreras, Carlos; Freedman, Wendy L.; Murphy, D. C.; Madore, Barry F.; Wyatt, P.; Maza Sancho, José; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Li, Weidong; Pinto, P. A. (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2006-01)Supernovae are essential to understanding the chemical evolution of the universe. Type Ia supernovae also provide the most powerful observational tool currently available for studying the expansion history of the universe ...
Krisciunas, Kevin; Contreras, Carlos; Burns, Christopher R.; Phillips, M. M.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Stritzinger, Maximilian D.; Anais, Jorge; Busta, Luis; Campillay, Abdo; Castellón, Sergio; Folatelli, Gastón; Freedman, Wendy; González, Consuelo; Hsiao, Eric; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Morrell, Nidia; Persson, Sven Eric; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Serón, Jacqueline; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Torres, Simón; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Li, Weidong; Madore, Barry F.; Depoy, D. L.; Marshall, Jennifer L.; Rheault, Jean-Philippe; Villanueva, Steven (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017)
Phillips, M. M.; Simon, Joshua D.; Morrell, Nidia; Burns, Christopher R.; Cox, Nick; Foley, Ryan J.; Karakas, Amanda; Patat, F.; Sternberg, A.; Williams, R.; Gal Yam, Avishay; Hsiao, Eric; Leonard, D.; Persson, Sven; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Thompson, I.; Campillay, Abdo; Contreras, Carlos; Folatelli, Gastón; Freedman, Wendy L.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Roth, Miguel; Shields, Gregory; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Chomiuk, Laura; Ivans, Inese; Madore, Barry; Penprase, B.; Perley, Daniel; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Preston, G.; Soderberg, Alicia (The American Astronomical Society, 2013-11-10)High-dispersion observations of the Na i D λλ5890, 5896 and K i λλ7665, 7699 interstellar lines, and the diffuse interstellar band at 5780 Å in the spectra of 32 Type Ia supernovae are used as an independent means of ...
Cartier Ugarte, Regis; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Förster, Francisco; Zelaya, Paula; Folatelli, Gastón; Phillips, Mark M.; Morrell, Nidia; Krisciunas, Kevin; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Clocchiatti, Alejandro; Coppi, Paolo; Contreras, Carlos; Roth, Miguel; Koviak, Kathleen; Maza Sancho, José; González, Luis; González, Sergio; Huerta, Leonor (The American Astronomical Society, 2014-07-01)We present well-sampled UBVRIJHK photometry of SN 2002fk starting 12 days before maximum light through 122 days after peak brightness, along with a series of 15 optical spectra from −4 to +95 days since maximum. ...
Rodríguez, Fernando A.; Contreras, Carlos; Bolaños García, Víctor M.; Allende, Jorge E. (NATL ACAD SCIENCES, 2008-04-15)Protein kinase CK2 (also known as casein kinase 2) is present in the cytoplasm, nuclei, and several other organelles. In addition, this enzyme has been found bound to the external side of the cell membrane where it acts ...
Folatelli, Gastón; Contreras, Carlos; Phillips, Mark M.; Woosley, S. E.; Blinnikov, Sergei; Morrell, Nidia; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Lee, Brian L.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; González Tagle, Sergio; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Roth, Miguel; Li, Weidong; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Foley, Ryan J.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Madore, Barry F.; Persson, S. E.; Murphy, David; Boissier, Samuel; Galaz, Gaspar, 1967-; González, Luis; McCarthy, P. J.; McWilliam, Andrew; Pych, Wojtek (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2006-04-20)We present u'g'r'i'BV photometry and optical spectroscopy of the Type Ib/Ic SN 2005bf covering the first similar to 100 days following discovery. The u'g'BV light curves displayed an unprecedented morphology among Type ...
Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Soderberg, Alicia; Mazzali, Paolo; Phillips, M. M.; Morrell, Nidia; Anderson, Joseph P.; Boldt, Luis; Campillay, Abdo; Contreras, Carlos; Folatelli, Gastón; Förster, Francisco; González Tagle, Sergio; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Maza Sancho, José; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Levesque, Emily M.; Rest, Armin; Crain, J. Adam; Foster, Andrew C.; Haislip, Joshua B.; Ivarsen, Kevin M.; LaCluyze, Aaron P.; Nysewander, Melissa C.; Reichart, Daniel E. (2011-02-10)Ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared photometry and optical spectroscopy of the broad-lined Type Ic supernova (SN) 2009bb are presented, following the flux evolution from -10 to +285 days past B-band maximum. Thanks to ...
Contreras, Carlos; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario (The American Astronomical Society, 2018-05-20)We present detailed ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared light curves of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2012fr, which exploded in the Fornax cluster member NGC 1365. These precise high-cadence light curves provide a dense ...
Folatelli, Gastón; Morrell, Nidia; Phillips, Mark M.; Hsiao, Eric; Campillay, Abdo; Contreras, Carlos; Castellón, Sergio; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Roth, Miguel; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Burns, Christopher R.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Madore, Barry F.; Murphy, David; Persson, S. E.; Prieto, José L.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Krisciunas, Kevin; Anderson, Joseph P.; Förster, Francisco; Maza Sancho, José; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Rojas, P. Andrea; Boldt, Luis; Salgado, Francisco; Wyatt, Pamela; Olivares E., Felipe; Gal Yam, Avishay; Sako, Masao (The American Astronomical Society, 2013)This is the first release of optical spectroscopic data of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) by the Carnegie Supernova Project including 604 previously unpublished spectra of 93 SNe Ia. The observations cover a ...
Folatelli, Gastón; Bersten, Melina C.; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Olivares Estay, Felipe; Anderson, Joseph P.; Holmbo, Simon; Maeda, Keiichi; Morrell, Nidia; Nomoto, Ken’ichi; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Contreras, Carlos; Forster, Francisco; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Phillips, Mark M.; Prieto, José Luis; Valenti, Stefano; Afonso, Paulo; Altenmuller, Konrad; Elliott, Jonny; Greiner, Jochen; Updike, Adria; Haislip, Joshua B.; LaCluyze, Aaron P.; Moore, Justin P.; Reichart, Daniel E. (The American Astronomical Society, 2014-09-01)We present extensive optical and near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations of the stripped-envelope supernova SN 2010as. Spectroscopic peculiarities such as initially weak helium features and low ...
Phillips, Mark M.; Li, Weidong; Frieman, Joshua A.; Blinnikov, Sergei; DePoy, Darren; Prietro, Jose L.; Milne, P.; Contreras, Carlos; Folatelli, Gastón; Morrell, Nidia; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Roth, Miguel; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Chornock, Ryan; Jha, Saurabh; Madore, Barry F.; Persson, S. E.; González Tagle, Sergio; Burns, Christopher R.; Wyatt, Pamela; Murphy, David; Foley, Ryan J.; Ganeshalingam, Mohan; Serduke, Franklin J. D.; Krisciunas, Kevin; Bassett, Bruce; Becker, Andrew; Dilday, Ben; Eastman, J.; Garnavich, Peter M.; Holtzman, Jon; Kessler, Richard; Lampeitl, Hubert; Marriner, John; Frank, S.; Marshall, J. L.; Miknaitis, Gajus; Sako, Masao; Schneider, Donald P.; Van Der Heyden, Kurt; Yasuda, Naoki (2007)We present extensive u'g'r'i'BVRIYJHK(s) photometry and optical spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova ( SN) 2005hk. These data reveal that SN 2005hk was nearly identical in its observed properties to SN 2002cx, which has ...
Folatelli, Gastón; Phillips, M. M.; Morrell, Nidia; Tanaka, Masaomi; Maeda, Keiichi; Nomoto, Ken’ichi; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Burns, Christopher R.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Mazzali, Paolo; Boldt, Luis; Campillay, Abdo; Contreras, Carlos; González Tagle, Sergio; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Freedman, W. L.; Madore, Barry F.; Persson, S. E.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B. (2012-01-20)The presence of unburned material in the ejecta of normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is investigated using early-time spectroscopy obtained by the Carnegie Supernova Project. The tell-tale signature of pristine material from ...