Browsing by Author "Costa, M. E."
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Dissen, G. A.; Lara Peñaloza, Hernán; Fahrenbach, W. H.; Costa, M. E.; Ojeda, S. R. (Endocrine Society, 1994)When the ovaries of 23-day-old juvenile rats are transplanted to an ectopic site, they recover within 1 week the ability to control gonadotropin secretion via steroid negative feedback. Vascular corrosion casting followed ...
Dissen, G. A.; Lara Peñaloza, Hernán; Leyton Canales, Víctor; Paredes Vargas, Alfonso; Hill, D. F.; Costa, M. E.; Martínez Serrano, A.; Ojeda, Sergio R. (ENDOCRINE SOC, 2000-03)A single injection of estradiol valerate induces a form of cystic ovary resembling some aspects of the human polycystic ovarian syndrome. Preceding the development of follicular cysts, there is an increase in intraovarian ...
Paredes Vargas, Alfonso; García Rudaz, C.; Kerr, B.; Tapia, V.; Dissen, G. A.; Costa, M. E.; Cornea, A.; Ojeda, Sergio R. (ENDOCRINE SOC, 2005-12)In the rat ovary, germ and somatic cells become organized into primordial follicles 48-72 h after birth. Although several genes have been implicated in the control of early follicular growth, less is known about the factors ...