Browsing by Author "Coulibaly, Saliya"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Coulibaly, Saliya; Laroze, David; León, Alejandro O.; Núñez Vásquez, Álvaro (American Physical Society, 2015)Ferromagnetic systems under the influence of spin-polarized currents exhibit rich spatiotemporal dynamics at nanoscales. We study spin-transfer nano-oscillators driven by the combination of alternating and direct spin-polarized ...
Fernández Oto, Cristian Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2012)El principal objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar diversos fenómenos generados a partir del forzamiento de alta frecuencia. Entre estos destacan: la resonancia paramétrica efectiva inducida por el forzamiento de alta frecuencia, ...
Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Coulibaly, Saliya; Laroze, David (ELSEVIER, 2010)A time-periodic magnetic field applied transversally to the hard axis of an extended easy-plane ferromagnetic sample can produce parametric resonance. For the 2:1 resonance, the prototype orderparameter- equation derived ...
Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Coulibaly, Saliya; Campo, F. del; García Ñustes, Mónica; Louvergneaux, Eric; Wilson, M. (American Physical Society, 2015)We show that the key ingredients for creating recurrent traveling spatial phase defects in drifting patterns are a noise-sustained structure regime together with the vicinity of a phase transition, that is, a spatial region ...
Coulibaly, Saliya; Tiofack, Camus G. L.; Clerc Gavilán, Marcel Gabriel (Frontiers Media, 2021)The Peregrine soliton is the famous coherent solution of the non-linear Schrodinger equation, which presents many of the characteristics of rogue waves. Usually studied in conservative systems, when dissipative effects of ...
Álvarez Garrido, Fabián Adolfo (Universidad de Chile, 2020)Una dificultad frecuente que se enfrenta al realizar experimentos con retroinyección óptica es el correcto alineamiento de sus componentes. Un desalineamiento puede resultar en un acoplamiento traslacional en la dinámica ...
Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Coulibaly, Saliya; Garcia Ñustes, Mónica A.; Zárate, Yair (Elsevier, 2015)Localized structures in optics have attracted attention for their potential applications in telecommunications and information storage. In the present work, localized structures with non-uniform phase structure in the ...
León Stewart, Alejandro; Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Coulibaly, Saliya (American Physical Society, 2015)Macroscopic systems with dissipation and time-modulated injection of energy, parametrically driven systems, can self-organize into localized states and/or patterns. We investigate a pulse that travels over a one-dimensi ...