Browsing by Author "Díaz Hormazábal, Ignacio"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Díaz Hormazábal, Ignacio; González, Mauro E. (Univ. Austral de Chile, 2016)In the last decades, forest fires have been a concern in different regions of the world, especially by increased occurrences product of human activities and climate changes. In this study the spatio-temporal trends in the ...
Gutiérrez Ilabaca, Alvaro Guillermo; Chávez, Roberto O.; Díaz Hormazábal, Ignacio (MDPI, 2021)Forest degradation continues to increase globally, threatening biodiversity and the survival of species. In this context, identifying intact, old-growth forest stands is both urgent and vital to ensure their existence ...
Sommerfeld, Andreas; Senf, Cornelius; Buma, Brian; D’Amato, Anthony W.; Després, Tiphaine; Díaz Hormazábal, Ignacio; Fraver, Shawn; Frelich, Lee E.; Gutiérrez, Álvaro G.; Hart, Sarah J.; Harvey, Brian J.; He, Hong S.; Hlásny, Tomáš; Holz, Andrés; Kitzberger, Thomas; Kul (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)© 2018, The Author(s). Increasing evidence indicates that forest disturbances are changing in response to global change, yet local variability in disturbance remains high. We quantified this considerable variability and ...