Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Contreras, Sebastián; Dehning, Jonas; Mohr, Sebastián B.; Bauer, Simón; Spitzner, Paul F.; Priesemann, Viola (Amer Assoc Advancement Science, 2021)
      The traditional long-term solutions for epidemic control involve eradication or population immunity. Here, we analytically derive the existence of a third viable solution: a stable equilibrium at low case numbers, where ...
    • Bauer, Simón; Contreras, Sebastián; Dehning, Jonas; Linden, Matthias; Iftekhar, Emil; Mohr, Sebastián; Olivera Nappa, Alvaro María; Priesemann, Viola (Public Library Science, 2021)
      Mass vaccination offers a promising exit strategy for the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as vaccination progresses, demands to lift restrictions increase, despite most of the population remaining susceptible. Using our ...