Browsing by Author "Departamento de Lingüística"
Now showing items 1-20 of 257
Aranda Hernández, Carolina; Astudillo Olea, Francisca; Benavides Bravo, Marcela; Díaz Godoy, Lorena; Inostroza Orellana, Josefa; Novion Bravo, Nicole; Núñez Quiroz, Valentín; Romero Frabasile, Javiera; Toro Turén, Daniela (Universidad de Chile, 2013)This study explores feedback practices in an EFL university programme in Chile. In particular, it seeks to determine what kinds of feedback students receive and their quality. Furthermore, the study also aims at examining ...
Abarca Ulloa, Giovanna; González, Marian; Joignant, Nathalie; Oyarzo, Carolina; Romero, Ambar; Sanhueza, Isis; Silva, Daniela (Universidad de Chile, 2005)Since the second half of the twentieth century a significant paradigm shift has taken place in second language education, namely, the shift from positivism to post-positivism, and from behaviourism to cognitivism. In ...
Contreras Armijo, Javier; López Castañeda, Lorena; Maldonado Rubio, Ariel; Mundaca Dahmen, Daniela; Rogers Luarte, Andrea; Valdivia Retamal, Denise; Yáñez Pavez, Daniela (Universidad de Chile, 2011)Humour is an aspect of social interaction we are often exposed to. We experience it in everyday situation. In fact, many people even make a living out of being funny.That is they are professional humour makers. Some good ...
Aguilera S., Karla; Ardile P., Magdalena; Azócar P., Natalia; Fuentes P., Catalina; Godoy V., Paulina; Guerrero A., Andrés; Knipp S., Rocío; Ortiz G., Isidora; Solís S., Mónica (Universidad de Chile, 2009)Traditionally, irony has long been viewed as a rhetorical device and broadly defined as “the use of words to express the opposite of their literal meaning.” It has been amply studied in different disciplines such as ...
Silva Iglesias, María Gabriela (Universidad de Chile, 2008)The present study aims at identifying and describing a set of syntactic choices made at discourse-text level by native speakers of English and advanced EFL learners in spontaneous production of oral, informal narratives, ...
Romero Karlsson, Gabriel (Universidad de Chile, 2008)The object of this research project is to carry out a literary analysis of the contrast and similarities between the treatment of female portraits presented in some of Edgar Allan Poe’s and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short ...
Ahumada, Arturo; Barraza, Roberto; Barrera, Paolo; Dávila, Constanza; La Torre, Eulalia; Rodríguez, Karina; Saldivia, Tamara; Soto, Nathalia (Universidad de Chile, 2010)Objetives: to describe the way in which native speakers of English and native speakers of Spanish realize the speech acts of request and refusal in their respective mother tongues; to determine the extent to which the ...
Muñoz Castillo, Natalia (Universidad de Chile, 2009)
Figueroa Lienqueo, Tamara Valentina (Universidad de Chile, 2010)
Araya Veloso, Nury; Cárdenas Tamburini, Nicolás; Silva Bravo, Leandro; Soto Bravo, Oscar; Tapia Pérez, Tania (Universidad de Chile, 2011)
Negrón Rubio, Isis (Universidad de Chile, 2011)
Flores Galleguillos, Carmen (Universidad de Chile, 2013)This work aimed to investigate about the way Chilean students acquire English Prepositions ‘in’, ‘on’, and ‘at’. Through the identification of the most common strategies used by students when choosing one these three ...
Echeverría, Daniela; Godoy, Gregorio; Norambuena, Carolina; Rivera, Marcela; Sani, Quirian; Tapia, Eduardo; Toro, Consuelo; Varas, Katherine; Zamora, Javiera (Universidad de Chile, 2007)
Vergara Donoso, María Antonieta (Universidad de Chile, 2010)En esta investigación intentamos, como objetivo básico, estudiar las actitudes lingüísticas asumidas por el grupo de informantes de la comunidad de Santiago de Chile frente a la lengua y al diccionario; hay que señalar que ...
Morales van Leeuwen, Daniela (Universidad de Chile, 2009)Este trabajo se basa en “el tercer modelo sociolingüístico de variación y cambio” de los propuestos por Uriel Weinreich, William Labov y Marvin Herzof (1968), que plantea que el cambio lingüístico se debe, entre otros ...
Dehnhardt Amengual, Macarena; Valenzuela Castelletto, Adrián; Villarroel Torres, Natalia (Universidad de Chile, 2015)Si bien, variada es la gama de trabajos que a lo largo de los últimos cien años han estudiado y caracterizado el sistema fonológico del mapudungun, escasas son las investigaciones que se han dedicado con verdadera minuciosidad ...
Becerra Lubies, Rukmini (Universidad de Chile, 2010)En los estudios de adquisición del lenguaje ha recibido especial atención la pregunta de cómo los niños adquieren la estructura sintáctica del lenguaje si ellos no oyen a los adultos hablar en categorías sintácticas o ...
Gutiérrez Malhue, Lili (Universidad de Chile, 2015)
Ibaceta Quintanilla, Laura; Lobos Yañez, María Teresa; Olivos Muñoz, Tamara; Soto Zúñiga, Glendy (Universidad de Chile, 2012)The purpose of the present study was to analyze the pronunciation of English consonantal sounds in proper names and other capitalized items by a group of 12 advanced Chilean Spanish learners of English with the aim of ...
Aracena, Alan; Fernández, Marcelo; Fuentes, Cristóbal; González Temer, Verónica; Vera, Francisca; Zúñiga, María Paz (Universidad de Chile, 2006)Writing is a complex linguistic ability that needs years of practice in order to be mastered. As a matter of fact, it is an ability that can never be fully acquired. Its acquisition involves a series of cognitive processes ...