Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Atalah, Joaquín; Blamey, Lotsé; Muñoz Ibacache, Sebastián; Gutiérrez, Felipe; Urzúa Acevedo, Marcela; Encinas, María Victoria; Páez, Maritza; Sun, Junsong; Blamey, Jenny M. (Springer, 2020)
      Violacein is an intensely purple pigment synthesized by various genera of bacteria that has been discovered to have a wide range of interesting biological activities which range from anticarcinogenic to antibacterial. One ...
    • Lemp Miranda, Else; Pizarro, Nancy; Encinas, María Victoria; Zanocco Loyola, Antonio (2001)
      Detection of O2(1Δg) emission, λmax = 1270 nm, following laser excitation and steady-state methods were employed to measure total, kT, and chemical, kR, reaction rate constants for the reaction between 3-methylindole and ...