Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Sahu, Dipen; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Liu, Tie; Evans II, Neal J.; Hirano, Naomi; Tatematsu, Ken'ichi; Lee, Chin-Fei; Kim, Kee-Tae; Dutta, Somnath; Alina, Dana; Bronfman, Leonardo; Cunningham, María; Eden, David J.; Garay Brignardello, Guido Alejandro; Goldsmith, Paul F.; He, Jinhua; Hsu, Shih-Ying; Goldsmith, Paul F.; He, Jinhua; Hsu, Shih-Ying; Jhan, Kai-Syun; Johnstone, Doug; Juvela, Mika; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kuan, Yi-Jehng; Kwon, Woojin; Lee, Chang Won; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Li, Di; Li, Pak Shing; Li, Shanghuo; Luo, Qiu-Yi; Montillaud, Julien; Moragha, Anthony; Pelkonen, Veli-Matti; Qin, Sheng-Li; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Sanhueza, Patricio; Shang, Hsien; Shen, Zhi-Qiang; Soam, Archana; Wu, Yuefang; Zhang, Qizhou; Zhou, Jianjun (IOP, 2021)
      Prestellar cores are self-gravitating dense and cold structures within molecular clouds where future stars are born. They are expected, at the stage of transitioning to the protostellar phase, to harbor centrally concentrated ...
    • Evans II, Neal J.; Di Francesco, James; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Jørgensen, Jes K.; Choi, Minho; Myers, Philip C.; Mardones Pérez, Diego (The American Astronomical Society, 2015)
      Observations of the isolated globule B335 with ALMA have yielded absorption features against the continuum that are redshifted from the systemic velocity in both HCN and HCO+ lines. These features provide unambiguous ...
    • Kim, Gwanjeong; Tatematsu, Ken'ichi; Liu, Tie; Yi, Hee-Weon; He, Jinhua; Hirano, Naomi; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Choi, Minho; Sanhueza, Patricio; Tóth, L. Viktor; Evans II, Neal J.; Feng, Siyi; Juvela, Mika; Kim, Kee-Tae; Vastel, Charlotte; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Lu'o'ng, Quang Nguyễn; Kang, Miju; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Fehér, Orsolya; Wu, Yuefang; Ohashi, Satoshi; Wang, Ke; Kandori, Ryo; Hirota, Tomoya; Sakai, Takeshi; Lu, Xing; Thompson, Mark A.; Fulle, Gary A.; Li, Di; Shinnaga, Hiroko; Kim, Jungha (IOP Publishing, 2020)
      We present the results of a single-pointing survey of 207 dense cores embedded in Planck Galactic Cold Clumps distributed in five different environments (lambda Orionis, Orion A, Orion B, the Galactic plane, and high ...
    • Merello, Manuel; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Nyman, Lars Ake; Evans II, Neal J.; Walmsley, C. Malcolm (The American Astronomical Society, 2013-09-01)
      We report molecular line and dust continuum observations toward the high-mass star-forming region G331.5-0.1, one of the most luminous regions of massive star formation in the Milky Way, located at the tangent region ...