Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • García, Ronald; Clark, Alison M.; Tanter, Éric Pierre (Assoc Computing Machinery, 2016)
      Language researchers and designers have extended a wide variety of type systems to support gradual typing, which enables languages to seamlessly combine dynamic and static checking. These efforts consistently demonstrate ...
    • Bañados Schwerter, Felipe Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2014)
      Los sistemas de tipos-y-efectos (type-and-effect systems) permiten a los programadores hacer valer invariantes y restricciones sobre los efectos secundarios que se generan durante la evaluación de un programa. Los sistemas ...
    • Eremondi, Joseph; García, Ronald; Tanter, Eric Pierre (ACM, 2022)
      Gradual dependent types can help with the incremental adoption of dependently typed code by providing a principled semantics for imprecise types and proofs, where some parts have been omitted. Current theories of gradual ...