Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Pouteau, Y.; Motte, F.; Nony, T.; Galván Madrid, R.; Men’shchikov, A.; Bontemps, S.; Robitaille, J. F.; Louvet, Fabien; Ginsburg, A.; López Sepulcre, A.; Dell’Ova, P.; Gusdorf, A.; Sanhueza, P.; Stutz, Amelia Marie; Brouillet, N.; Thomasson, B.; Armante, M.; Baug, T.; Bonfand, M.; Busquet, G.; Csengeri, T.; Cunningham, N.; Fernández López, M.; Liu, H. L.; Olguin, F.; Towner, A. P. M.; Bally, J.; Braine, J.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo Jaime; González, M.; Hennebelle, P.; Lu, X.; Menten, K. M.; Moraux, E.; Tatematsu, K.; Walker, D.; Whitworth, A. P. (EDP Sciences, 2021)
      Aims. The processes that determine the stellar initial mass function (IMF) and its origin are critical unsolved problems, with profound implications for many areas of astrophysics. The W43-MM2&MM3 mini-starburst ridge ...
    • Schuller, F.; Urquhart, J. S.; Csengeri, T.; Colombo, D.; Duarte Cabral, A.; Mattern, M.; Ginsburg, A.; Pettitt, A. R.; Wyrowski, F.; Anderson, L.; Azagra, F.; Barnes, P.; Beltran, M.; Beuther, H.; Billington, S.; Bronfman Aguilo, Leonardo Jaime; Cesaroni, R.; Dobbs, C.; Eden, D.; Lee, M. Y.; Medina, S. N. X.; Menten, K. M.; Moore, T.; Montenegro Montes, F. M.; Ragan, S.; Rigby, A.; Riener, M.; Russeil, D.; Schisano, E.; Sánchez Monge, A.; Traficante, A.; Zavagno, A.; Agurto, C.; Bontemps, S.; Finger, R.; Giannetti, A.; González, E.; Hernández, A. K.; Henning, T.; Kainulainen, J.; Kauffmann, J.; Leurini, S.; López, S.; Mac-Auliffe, F.; Mazumdar, P.; Molinari, S.; Motte, F.; Muller, E.; Nguyen Luong, Q.; Parra, R.; Pérez Beaupuits, J. P.; Schilke, P.; Schneider, N.; Suri, S.; Testi, L.; Torstensson, K.; Veena, V. S.; Venegas, P.; Wang, K.; Wienen, M. (Oxford University Press, 2021)
      The SEDIGISM (Structure, Excitation and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic InterstellarMedium) survey used the APEX telescope to map 84 deg2 of the Galactic plane between = −60◦ and +31◦ in several molecular transitions, ...