Browsing by Author "González Stegmaier, R."
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González Stegmaier, R.; Cereceda, K.; Briones, J. L.; Beltrán Pavez, C.; Oyarzún Arrau, A.; Riquelme Barrios, S.; Selman, C.; Yarad, F.; Mahave, M.; Caglevic, C.; Morales, R.; Aguirre, A.; Valiente Echeverría, Fernando Andrés; Soto Rifo, Ricardo; Marsiglia, H.; Gazitúa, R.; Villarroel Espíndola, F. (Hindawi, 2021)COVID-19 is a pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. In Chile, half a million people have been infected and more than 16,000 have died from COVID-19. As part of the clinical trial NCT04384588, we quantified IgG against S1-RBD of ...