Browsing by Author "Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
González, Alex; Bellenberg, Sören; Mamani, Sigde; Ruiz, Lina; Echeverría, Alex; Soulère, Laurent; Doutheau, Alain; Demergasso, Cecilia; Sand, Wolfgang; Queneau, Yves; Vera, Mario; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás (Springer-Verlag, 2013-04)Biofilm formation plays a pivotal role in bioleaching activities of bacteria in both industrial and natural environments. Here, by visualizing attached bacterial cells on energetic substrates with different microscopy ...
Ortiz severin, Javiera Roció (Universidad de Chile, 2013)Los polifosfatos inorgánicos (poliP) son biopolímeros lineales que se encuentran en todos los seres vivos y son esenciales en el metabolismo bacteriano. En pseudomonas aeruginosa, patógeno oportunista de animales y plantas ...
Lewin Palma, Josefina Isidora (Universidad de Chile, 2023)En los últimos años, el tratamiento y reúso de aguas residuales han surgido como una solución al grave problema de contaminación y escasez hídrica en Chile y el mundo, dado el contexto de emergencia y cambio climáticos ...
Vera, Mario; Pagliai, Fernando; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Jerez Guevara, Carlos (AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY, 2008-03)The chemolithoautotrophic bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is of great importance in biomining operations. During the bioleaching of ores, microorganisms are subjected to a variety of environmental stresses and ...
Castro, Matías; Deane, Shelly M.; Ruiz, Lina; Rawlings, Douglas E.; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás (Public Library Science, 2015)An understanding of biofilm formation is relevant to the design of biological strategies to improve the efficiency of the bioleaching process and to prevent environmental damages caused by acid mine/rock drainage. For this ...
Diaz Fuenzalida, Mauricio Javier (Universidad de Chile, 2010)
Arias González, Daniela Loreto (Universidad de Chile., 2019-06)Los carotenoides son pigmentos que en plantas participan en la fotosíntesis, protección del daño foto-oxidativo y síntesis de fitohormonas. En mamíferos, su consumo es esencial, ya que son precursores de la vitamina A. ...
Fuente, Mery de la; Miranda, Claudio D.; Jopia, Paz; González Rocha, Gerardo; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Sossa, Katherine; Urrutia, Homero (Taylor & Francis, 2015)The main goal of this study was to find bacterial isolates with the ability to inhibit the growth of the fish pathogens Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio anguillarum, and Flavobacterium psychrophilum and to inhibit the blockage ...
Soulère, Laurent; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Queneau, Yves; Jerez Guevara, Carlos; Doutheau, Alain (SPRINGER, 2008-07)Amino acid sequence alignments of the transcriptional regulator AfeR, which is involved in type 1 quorum sensing (QS) in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bacteria, with other acyl homoserine lactone (AHL)- dependent QS ...
Ortiz Severín, Javiera; Varas, Macarena; Bravo Toncio, Catalina; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Chávez Espinosa, Francisco (BioMed Central, 2015)Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known to be a multidrug resistant opportunistic pathogen. Particularly, P. aeruginosa PAO1 polyphosphate kinase mutant (ppk1) is deficient in motility, quorum sensing, biofilm formation ...
Vera, M.; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Jerez Guevara, Carlos (ELSEVIER, 2003-10)The recent availability of an incomplete genomic sequence from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans allowed us to continue and strengthen the demanding task of investigating the proteome and its functional implications in this ...
Cardona, Silvia; Remonsellez, Francisco; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Jerez, Carlos A. (2001)Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is obtained by the polymerization of the terminal phosphate of ATP through the action of the enzyme polyphosphate kinase (PPK). Despite the presence of polyP in every living cell, a gene ...