Browsing by Author "Higuera, Inocencio"
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Sáenz Hernández, Carmen Luisa; Berger, Horst; Rodríguez-Félix, Armida; Galletti, Ljubica; Corrales García, Joel; Sepúlveda, Elena; Varnero Moreno, María Teresa; García de Cortázar, Víctor; Cuevas García, Roberto; Arias, Enrique; Mondragón, Candelario; Higuera, Inocencio; Rosell, Cadmo (FAO, 2013)Cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) makes a valuable contribution to the food security and nutrition of people throughout the world wherever water is scarce. The plant is highly versatile and, in addition to feeding people, it is ...