Browsing by Author "Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique"
Now showing items 1-20 of 46
Cárdenas, César; Juretic Díaz, Nevenka Militza; Bevilacqua, Jorge; García, Isaac E.; Figueroa, Reinaldo; Hartley, Ricardo; Taratuto, Ana L.; Gejman, Roger; Riveros, Nora; Molgó, Jordi; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (2010)Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) drive calcium signals involved in skeletal muscle excitation-transcription coupling and plasticity; IP3R subtype distribution and downstream events evoked by their ...
Henríquez Olguín, Carlos; Altamirano, Francisco; Valladares, Denisse; López, José R.; Allen, Paul D.; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (Elsevier, 2015)Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a fatal X-linked genetic disease, caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, which cause functional loss of this protein. This pathology is associated with an increased production of reactive ...
Ibarra, Cristián; Vicencio Bustamante, José Miguel; Varas Godoy, Manuel; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Rothermel, Beverly A.; Uhlén, Per; Hill, Joseph A.; Lavandero González, Sergio (Academic Press, 2014)© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. In cardiomyocytes, Ca2+ plays a central role in governing both contraction and signaling events that regulate gene expression. Current evidence indicates that discrimination between these two critical ...
Henríquez, Mauricio; Herrera Molina, Rodrigo; Valdivia, Alejandra; Alvarez, Alvaro; Kong, Milene; Muñoz, Nicolás; Eisner, Verónica; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Schneider, Pascal; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Leyton Campos, Lisette (2011)Thy-1, an abundant mammalian glycoprotein, interacts with avβ3 integrin and syndecan-4 in astrocytes and thus triggers signaling events that involve RhoA and its effector p160ROCK, thereby increasing astrocyte adhesion to ...
ATP released by electrical stimuli elicits calcium transients and gene expression in skeletal muscle Buvinic, Sonja; Almarza, Gonzalo; Bustamante, Mario; Casas, Mariana; López, Javiera; Riquelme, Manuel; Sáez, Juan Carlos; Huidobro Toro, Juan Pablo; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (2009)ATP released from cells is known to activate plasma membrane P2X (ionotropic) or P2Y (metabotropic) receptors. In skeletal muscle cells, depolarizing stimuli induce both a fast calcium signal associated with contraction ...
Caviedes, Pablo; Olivares, Enrique; Salas, Karime; Caviedes, Raúl; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (1993)A cell line (RCVC) in permanent culture was developed from adult rat ventricular cells; transformation was attained by incubation with conditioned media from UCHTI, a rat thyroid cell line. Immortalized ventricular cells ...
Carrasco, María Angélica; Magendzo, Karin; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia (1988)Highly purified transverse tubule membranes isolated from frog skeletal muscle phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate. The two phosphorylation ...
Rojas, Cecilia V.; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (Springer-Verlag, 1990)To investigate the effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate on calcium release, we used fiber bundles of frog sartorius muscle mechanically permeabilized by a scratching procedure, and we detected increments in calcium ...
Contreras Ferrat, Ariel Eduardo; Lavandero González, Sergio; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Klip, Amira (Churchill Livingstone, 2014)© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Striated muscles (skeletal and cardiac) are major physiological targets of insulin and this hormone triggers complex signaling pathways regulating cell growth and energy metabolism. Insulin increases ...
Carrasco, María Angélica; Marambio, Paola; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (1997)We have investigated whether IP 3 metabolism presents particular changes during critical stages of muscle development. With this aim, we have measured IP 3 formation through phospholipase C activity, IP 3 removal through ...
Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (1991)
Osorio Fuentealba, Cesar Alberto (Universidad de Chile, 2012)
Cárdenas, César; Müller, Marioly; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Pérez, Francisco; Buchuk, Diego; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Carrasco, Maria Angélica (2004)Membrane depolarization of skeletal muscle cells induces slow inositol trisphosphate-mediated calcium signals that regulate the activity of transcription factors such as the cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB), ...
Juretic Díaz, Nevenka Militza; García Huidobro, Paola; Iturrieta, Juan Antonio; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Riveros Keller, Nora (AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC, 2006-05)Contracting skeletal muscle produces and releases interleukin-6 (IL-6) in high amounts. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying IL-6 expression are not understood. Because inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-mediated slow ...
Liberona Leppe, José; Powell, Jeanne A.; Shenoi, Sheela; Petherbridge, Lee; Caviedes Codelia, Raúl; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (John Wiley, 1998)Human normal (RCMH) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (RCDMD) cell lines, as well as newly developed normal and dystrophic murine cell lines, were used for the study of both changes in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) mass ...
Juretic Díaz, Nevenka Militza; Urzúa, Ulises; Munroe, David J.; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Riveros, Nora (2007)Skeletal muscle is a highly plastic tissue with a remarkable capacity to adapt itself to challenges imposed by contractile activity. Adaptive response, that include hypertrophy and activation of oxidative mechanisms have ...
Juretic Díaz, Nevenka Militza; Jorquera, Gonzalo; Caviedes, Pablo; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Riveros, Nora (2012)Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disease originated by reduced or no expression of dystrophin, a cytoskeletal protein that provides structural integrity to muscle fibres. A promising pharmacological ...
Bustamante, Mario; Fernández Verdejo, Rodrigo; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Buvinic, Sonja (American Physiological Society, 2014)Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is an important myokine that is highly expressed in skeletal muscle cells upon exercise. We assessed IL-6 expression in response to electrical stimulation (ES) or extracellular ATP as a known mediator ...
Osorio Fuentealba, César; Contreras Ferrat, Ariel Eduardo; Altamirano, Francisco; Espinosa, Alejandra; Li, Qing; Niu, Wenyan; Lavandero González, Sergio; Klip, Amira; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique (2013)Skeletal muscle glucose uptake in response to exercise is preserved in insulin-resistant conditions, but the signals involved are debated. ATP is released from skeletal muscle by contractile activity and can autocrinely ...
Robin, Gaelle; Altamirano, Francisco; Zhang, Rui; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Allen, Paul D.; López, José R. (Cell Press, 2015)Protein S-nitrosylation is a reversible post-translational modification and can have profound effects on protein function in skeletal muscle. S-nitrosylation has been proposed to exert regulatory effects on ion channels ...