Browsing by Author "Leyton, F."
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Leyton, F.; Ruiz Tapia, Sergio; Sepúlveda Valenzuela, Sergio; Contreras, J. P.; Rebolledo Lemus, Sofía; Astroza Inostroza, Maximiliano (Elsevier, 2013)Nowadays, microtremors' horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) has been extensively used in the estimation of the predominant vibration frequency of soils, mainly for microzonation purposes. In the present study, ...
Leyton, F.; Ruiz Tapia, Sergio Arturo; Sepúlveda, S. A. (Copernicus, 2009). Chile is one of the most seismically active countries in the world; indeed, having witnessed very large earthquakes associated with high horizontal peak ground accelerations, the use of probabilistic hazard assessment ...