Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Díaz Maroto, Paloma; Rey Iglesia, Alba; Cartajena Fasting, María Isabel; Núñez, Lautaro; Westbury, Michael V.; Varas, Valeria; Moraga Vergara, Mauricio Leonardo; Campos, Paula F.; Orozco terWengel, Pablo; Marín, Juan Carlos; Hansen, Anders J. (Elife Sciences, 2021)
      The study of South American camelids and their domestication is a highly debated topic in zooarchaeology. Identifying the domestic species (alpaca and llama) in archaeological sites based solely on morphological data is ...
    • Chihuailaf, Elicura; Jocelyn-Holt Letelier, Alfredo; Martinic, Mateo; Montecino Aguirre, Sonia; Salazar Vergara, Gabriel; Núñez, Lautaro (Ediciones Cultura, 2010)
      Ponencias sostenidas durante el panel 'La construcción cultural del país: diversas visiones para un destino común' de la VI Convención Nacional de la Cultura del Consejo de la Cultura, realizada en la La Serena entre los ...
    • Latorre, Claudio; Moreno Moncada, Patricio; Vargas, Gabriel; Maldonado, Antonio; Villa Martínez, Rodrigo; Armesto, Juan J.; Villagrán Moraga, Carolina; Pino, Mario; Núñez, Lautaro; Grosjean, Martín (2007)
    • Grosjean, Martín; Cartajena Fasting, María Isabel; Núñez, Lautaro (JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD., 2005-10)
      Palaeoindian occupation of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile has been found between 12 600 and 10 200 cal. yr BP. The new site at Salar Punta Negra (24 280S/60 530W/ 2976 m) includes about 1000 classifiable, mostly ...
    • Núñez, Lautaro; Grosjean, Martin; Cartajena Fasting, María Isabel (2010)
      This paper presents a chronological sequence of human occupation from the end of the Pleistocene to the present day in the Atacama Desert, one of the most barren territories of the New World. The occupational sequence ...
    • Foerster González, Roelf; Navarro, Ximena; Núñez, Lautaro (Universidad Austral de Chile, 1998)