Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Mondaca Ruff, David; Riquelme, Jaime A.; Quiroga, Clara; Norambuena Soto, Ignacio; Sanhueza Olivares, Fernanda; Villar-Fincheira, Paulina; Hernández-Díaz, Tomás; Cancino Arenas, Nicole; San Martin, Alejandra; García Nannig, Lorena; Lavandero González, Sergio; Chiong Lay, Mario (Frontiers Media S.A., 2019)
      Copyright © 2019 Mondaca-Ruff, Riquelme, Quiroga, Norambuena-Soto, Sanhueza-Olivares, Villar-Fincheira, Hernández-Díaz, Cancino-Arenas, San Martin, García, Lavandero and Chiong.Hypertension is a disease associated to ...
    • García Miguel, Marina; Riquelme, Jaime A.; Norambuena Soto, Ignacio; Morales, Pablo E.; Sanhueza Olivares, Fernanda; Núñez Soto, Constanza Belén; Mondaca Ruff, David; Cancino Arenas, Nicole; San Martín, Alejandra; Chiong Lay, Mario (Public library science, 2018)
      Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) dedifferentiation from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype contributes to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic tissue has a chronic inflammatory component with high levels of tumor necrosis ...
    • Torres, Gloria; Morales, Pablo E.; García Miguel, Marina; Norambuena Soto, Ignacio; Cartes Saavedra, Benjamin; Vidal Pena, Gonzalo; Moncada Ruff, David; Sanhueza Olivares, Fernanda; San Martín, Alejandra; Chiong Lay, Mario (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD., 2016)
      Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a neuroendocrine hormone produced by gastrointestinal tract in response to food ingestion. GLP-1 plays a very important role in the glucose homeostasis by stimulating glucose-dependent ...
    • Cifuentes, Fredi; Palacios, Javier; Kuzmicic, Jovan; Carvajal, Lorena; Muñoz, Fernanda; Quispe, Cristina; Nwokocha, Chukwuemeka R.; Morales, Glauco; Norambuena Soto, Ignacio; Chiong Lay, Mario; Paredes, Adrián (Elsevier GmbH, 2018)
      © 2018 Background: Xenophyllum poposum is an endemic species of the Andes Cordillera, popularly known as Popusa. Popusa is widely used by mountain communities as a folk medicine to treat altitude sickness and hypertension. ...