Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Iglesias Álamos, Verónica; Erazo Bahamondes, Marcia; Droppelmann, Andrea; Steenland, Kyle; Aceituno, Paulina; Orellana Pozo, Cecilia; Acuña, Marisol; Peruga, Armando; Breysse, Patrick N.; Navas Acien, Ana (Elsevier, 2014)
      Objective To evaluate the relative contribution of occupational vs. non-occupational secondhand tobacco smoke exposure to overall hair nicotine concentrations in non-smoking bar and restaurant employees. Method We ...
    • Amigo Cartagena, Hugo; Ale, Danissa; Varela, Nicol; Peruga, Armando; Bustos, Patricia (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2018)
      Background: One in five deaths that occur in Chile can be attributed to smoking whose prevalence remains high, despite interventions aimed at reducing it. Aim: To compare the prevalence of smoking and its intensity among ...