Browsing by Author "Pino Manresa, Manuel del"
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Dávila, Juan; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Musso, Mónica (SPRINGER, 2011-04)In a bounded domain Omega subset of R(2) with smooth boundary we consider the problem Delta U =0 in Omega, du/dv = i/epsilon f(u) on d Omega where nu is the unit normal exterior vector, epsilon > 0 is a small parameter ...
Agudelo, Oscar; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Wei, Juncheng (Springer, 2017)This paper presents a new family of solutions to the singularly perturbed Allen-Cahn equation α2Δu + u(1 − u2) = 0 in a smooth bounded domain Ω ⊂ R3, with Neumann boundary condition and α > 0 a small parameter. These ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Wei, Juncheng (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2006-03)We consider the boundary value problem: Delta u - au + epsilon(2)e(u) = 0, u > 0 in Omega, sigma u/sigma v = 0 on sigma Omega, which is equivalent to the stationary Keller-Segel system from chemotaxis. Here Omega subset ...
Dávila, Juan; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Musso, Mónica (ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2005-10-15)We consider the elliptic equation -Delta u+u=O in a bounded, smooth domain ohm in R-2 subject to the nonlinear Neumann boundary condition delta u/delta v = epsilon e(u). Here epsilon > 0 is a small parameter. We prove that ...
Figueroa Salgado, Pablo Salvador (Universidad de Chile, 2011)En esta tesis doctoral se construyen soluciones para ecuaciones diferenciales parciales elípticas con no-linealidades exponenciales en el toro plano. La motivación proviene de ecuaciones de tipo Liouville en el estudio de ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Kowalczyk, Michal; Wei, Juncheng (ELSEVIER FRANCE-EDITIONS SCIENTIFIQUES MEDICALES ELSEVIER, 2008-12)We consider the Allen–Cahn equation u +u 1− u2 =0 inRN. A celebrated conjecture by E. De Giorgi (1978) states that if u is a bounded solution to this problem such that ∂xNu>0, then the level sets {u=λ}, λ ∈R, ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Kowalczyk, Michal; Wei, Juncheng (ELSEVIER FRANCE-EDITIONS SCIENTIFIQUES MEDICALES ELSEVIER, 2008-12)We consider the Allen-Cahn equation Delta u + u(1 - u(2)) = 0 in R-N. A celebrated conjecture by E. De Giorgi (1978) states that if u is it bounded Solution to this problem Such that partial derivative(xN) u > 0, then ...
DelaTorre, Azahara; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; González, María del Mar; Wei, Juncheng (Springer, 2017)We construct Delaunay-type solutions for the fractional Yamabe problem with an isolated singularity(Formula Presented.)We follow a variational approach, in which the key is the computation of the fractional Laplacian in ...
Existence and multiplicity of solutions with prescribed period for a second order quasilinear O.D.E. Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Manásevich Tolosa, Raúl; Murúa, Alejandro E. (1992)
Dávila, Juan; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Musso, Mónica; Wei, Juncheng (SPRINGER, 2008-08)We consider the elliptic problem Delta u + u(p) = 0, u > 0 in an exterior domain, Omega = R-N\D under zero Dirichlet and vanishing conditions, where D is smooth and bounded in R-N, N >= 3, and p is supercritical, namely p ...
Dávila Bonczos, Juan; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Nguyen, Xuan Hien (Elsevier, 2017)Finite topology self-translating surfaces for the mean curva-ture flow constitute a key element in the analysis of TypeII singularities from a compact surface because they arise as lim-its after suitable blow-up scalings ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Manásevich Tolosa, Raúl (1991)
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Kowalczyk, Michal; Wei, Juncheng (2010-11)Let (M, ˜g) be an N-dimensional smooth (compact or noncompact) Riemannian manifold. We introduce the elliptic Jacobi-Toda system on (M, ˜g). We review various recent results on its role in the construction of solutions ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Pistoia, Angela; Vaira, Giusi (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2016)We consider the boundary value problem { -Delta u + u = lambda e(u), in Omega partial derivative(v)u = 0 on partial derivative Omega where Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R-2, lambda > 0 and v is the inner ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Felmer Aichele, Patricio (Springer New York, 1997)
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Felmer Aichele, Patricio (Elsevier Masson SAS, 1998)In this paper we consider the study of standing wave solutions for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This problem reduces to that of finding nonnegative solutions of ε2Δu - V (x) u + (Latin small letter esh) (u) = 0 in Ω. ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Kowalczyk, Michal; Pacard, Frank; Wei, Juncheng (2010)We construct a new class of entire solutions for the Allen-Cahn equation u + (1 u2)u = 0, in R2( C). Given k 1, we nd a family of solutions whose zero level sets are, away from a compact set, asymptotic to 2k ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Musso, Mónica; Ruf, Bernhard (ELSEVIER, 2010)Let Ω be a bounded, smooth domain in R2. We consider critical points of the Trudinger–Moser type functional Jλ(u) = 12 Ω |∇u|2 − λ2 Ω eu2 in H1 0 (Ω), namely solutions of the boundary value problem u + λueu2 = 0 ...
Daskalopoulos, Panagiota; Pino Manresa, Manuel del; King, John; Sesum, Natasa (International Press of Boston, 2017)We construct new ancient compact solutions to the Yamabe ow. Our solutions are rotationally symmetric and converge, as t → ∞1, to two self-similar complete non-compact solutions to the Yamabe ow moving in opposite directions. ...
Pino Manresa, Manuel del; Espósito, Pierpaolo; Musso, Mónica (AMER MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2012-02)