Browsing by Author "Quirici, Verónica"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Kelt, Douglas A.; Cofré, Hernán L.; Cornelius, Cintia; Engilis, Andrew, Jr.; Gutiérrez, Julio R.; Marquet, Pablo A.; Medel Contreras, Rodrigo; Meserve, Peter L.; Quirici, Verónica; Samaniego, Horacio; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo (ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD., 2016)The avifauna of Chile is relatively depauperate, comprising 469 extant species, of which 213 are terrestrial. However, the Coquimbo Region presents a broad ecological transition from the hyperarid Atacama Desert to the ...
Quirici, Verónica; Venegas, Cristóbal I.; González Gómez, Paulina L.; Castaño Villa, Gabriel J.; Wingfield, John C.; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo (Elsevier, 2014)Glucocorticoids are essential for life and their secretion is regulated by the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA). The HPA axis is often divided into two components: baseline glucocorticoids levels and stress ...
Flores Martínez, Romina Valeska (Universidad de Chile, 2018-10)Entender de qué manera afecta el sonido generado por las grandes ciudades a las poblaciones subyacentes de animales es uno de los ítems de interés en la ecología de ambientes urbanos. Sin embargo, los impactos del ruido ...
Ebensperger, Luis A.; Sobrero, Raúl; Quirici, Verónica; Castro, Rodrigo A.; Ortiz Tolhuysen, Liliana; Vargas, Francisco; Burger, Joseph Robert; Quispe, René; Villavicencio, Camila P.; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo; Hayes, Loren D. (Springer, 2012)Intraspecific variation in sociality is thought to reflect a trade-off between current fitness benefits and costs that emerge from individuals' decision to join or leave groups. Since those benefits and costs may be ...
Botero Delgadillo, Esteban; Quirici, Verónica; Ippi, Silvina; Vásquez, Rodrigo A.; Kempenaers, Bart (Wiley, 2022)Investigating whether mating patterns are biased in relation to kinship in isolated populations can provide a better understanding of the occurrence of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in wild populations. Here, we report ...
Yáñez, Diego I.; Quirici, Verónica; Castaño Villa, Gabriel J.; Poulin, Elie; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo (Sociedad Española Ornitología, 2015)Eight novel microsatellites were isolated and characterised in the thorn-tailed rayadito Aphrastura spinicauda in order to evaluate genetic diversity in three contrasting populations, two of them at the boundaries of the ...
Quirici, Verónica; Palma, Macarena; Sobrero, Raúl; Faugeron, Sylvain; Ebensperger, Luis A. (Springer, 2013)The possibility that social foragers adjust and coordinate their scanning activity when in the presence of close relatives to attain inclusive fitness benefits remains controversial and scarcely examined. To this aim, ...
Quirici, Verónica; Guerrero, Claudia Jimena; Krause, Jesse S.; Wingfield, John C.; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo (Biomed Central, 2016)Background: Environmental stressors increase the secretion of glucocorticoids that in turn can shorten telomeres via oxidative damage. Modification of telomere length, as a result of adversity faced early in life, can ...
Rozzi, Ricardo; Quilodrán, Claudio S.; Botero Delgadillo, Esteban; Napolitano, Constanza; Torres Mura, Juan C.; Barroso, Omar; Crego, Ramiro D.; Bravo, Camila; Ippi, Silvina; Quirici, Verónica; Mackenzie, Roy; Suazo, Cristián G.; Rivero de Aguilar, Juan; Goffinet, Bernard; Kempenaers, Bart; Poulin, Elie Albert; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo Alfonso (Nature, 2022)We describe a new taxon of terrestrial bird of the genus Aphrastura (rayaditos) inhabiting the Diego Ramirez Archipelago, the southernmost point of the American continent. This archipelago is geographically isolated and ...