Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Cordero Simunovic, Patricio; Risso, Dino; Soto Bertrán, Rodrigo (Royal Soc., 2015)
      We describe the collective behaviour of a system of many inelastic spherical particles inside a box which is being periodically vibrated. The box is shallow, with large horizontal dimensions, while the height is less than ...
    • Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Cordero Simunovic, Aliro; Dunstan, Jocelyn; Huff, K.; Mujica Fernández, Nicolás; Risso, Dino; Varas, G. (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2008-03)
      The theory of non-ideal gases at thermodynamic equilibrium, for instance the van der Waals gas model, has played a central role in our understanding of coexisting phases, as well as the transitions between them. In contrast, ...
    • Cordero Simunovic, Aliro; Risso, Dino; Soto Bertrán, Rodrigo (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005-10-01)
      Using Newtonian molecular dynamics we study a gas of inelastic hard disks subject,to shear between two planar parallel thermal walls. The system behaves like a Couette flow and it is tuned to produce a steady state that ...
    • Letamendia, Louis; Belkadi, Miad; Eloutassi, Omar; Rouch, Jacques; Risso, Dino; Cordero Simunovic, Aliro; Patashinski, Alexander Z. (ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2005-08-15)
      Results of an extensive study of dynamic polarized (VV) and depolarized (VH) Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering in Quinoline as a function of temperature are presented. The VV spectrum is analyzed by taking into account ...
    • Cordero Simunovic, Aliro; Risso, Dino (ELSEVIER, 2006-11-01)
      Very dense bidimensional systems of inelastic hard disks excited from the base are studied by means of Newtonian event driven molecular dynamics. A stationary regime is reached where almost perfect crystallographic order ...