Browsing by Author "Rivera Cayupi, Jorge Enrique"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Canales Trkovic, Daniela (Universidad de Chile, 2022)A pesar de ser uno de los países más seguros de América Latina durante los últimos 30 años, la (in)seguridad ha sido un tema de permanente preocupación para la ciudadanía en Chile. A través de un análisis comparativo de ...
Romero Cigarroa, Javier (Universidad de Chile, 2022)En la actualidad en Chile se encuentra aprobado un proyecto de ley que crea el Servicio Nacional de Reinserción Social Juvenil e introduce modificaciones a la ley N° 20.084, sobre responsabilidad penal de adolescentes, ...
Díaz Maureira, Juan (Universidad de Chile, 2014-12)This work proposes a novel matching estimator where weights and the choice of neighbors used are endogenously determined by solving an optimization problem. The estimator is non-parametric and is based on nding, for ...
Grau, Nicolás; Marivil, Gonzalo; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge Enrique (Springer, 2021)Around a third of prisoners worldwide (2.8 million) are incarcerated before trial. This paper combines Chilean individual administrative data for criminal cases and labor market outcomes to estimate, by differences-in- ...
Díaz, Juan; Grau Veloso, Nicolás; Reyes, Tatiana; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge Enrique (Elsevier, 2021)This paper studies the causal effect of grade retention in primary school on juvenile crime in Chile. Implementing a fuzzy regression discontinuity design, we find that repeating an early grade in primary school decreases ...
Fu, Chao; Grau Veloso, Nicolás Andrés; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge Enrique (Wiley, 2022)We build and estimate a dynamic model of teenagers' choices of schooling and crime, incorporating four factors that may contribute to the different paths taken by different teenagers: heterogeneous endowments, unequal ...