Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Díaz, Rodrigo; Rojo, Patricio; Melita, Mario; Hoyer, Sergio; Minniti, Dante; Mauas, Pablo J. D.; Ruiz González, María Teresa (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2008-07-20)
      Two consecutive transits of planetary companion OGLE-TR-111b were observed in the I band. Combining these observations with data from the literature, we find that the timing of the transits cannot be explained by a constant ...
    • Rabinowitz, David; Tourtellotte, Suzanne; Rojo, Patricio; Hoyer, Sergio; Folatelli, Gastón; Coppi, Paolo; Baltay, Charles; Bailyn, Charles (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011-05-01)
      We report the discovery of an eclipsing cataclysmic variable with eclipse depths > 5.7 mag, orbital period 94.657 minutes, and peak brightness V similar to 18 at J2000 position 17(h)25(m)54(s). 8, -64 degrees 38'39 ''. ...
    • Cáceres, C.; Kabath, P.; Hoyer, S.; Ivanov, V. D.; Rojo, Patricio; Girard, J. H.; Miller Ricci, E.; Fortney, J. J.; Minniti, D. (EDP, 2014)
      Context. GJ 1214 b is one of the few known transiting super-Earth-sized exoplanets with a measured mass and radius. It orbits an M-dwarf, only 14.55 pc away, making it a favorable candidate for follow-up studies. However, ...
    • Peña, Miriam; Ruiz González, María Teresa; Rojo, Patricio; Torres-Peimbert, Silvia; Hamann, Wolf-Rainer (Univ Cgicago Press, 2008-06-20)
      This is the first report on the new outburst presented by the central star of the LMC-N66 nebula. This object was classified as a planetary nebula; however, its true nature is under debate. In the period 1955–1990 the ...
    • Hoyer, Sergio; Rojo, Patricio; López Morales, M. (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2012-03-20)
      We report nine new transit epochs of the extrasolar planet WASP- 5b, observed in the Bessell I band with the Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope at the Cerro Pachon Observatory and with the SMARTS 1 m Telescope at ...