Browsing by Author "Salech Morales, Felipe"
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Salech Morales, Felipe; Ponce, Daniela P.; San Martín Rovirosa, Carol; Rogers Castillo, Nicole; Henríquez, Mauricio; Behrens Pellegrino, María Isabel (Frontiers Media, 2018)We have proposed that a common biological mechanism deregulated in opposite directions might explain the inverse epidemiological association observed between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cancer. Accordingly, we showed that ...
Salech Morales, Felipe; Couve Correa, Andrés; Michea Acevedo, Luis; Alvo Abodovsky, Miriam (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)Klotho, a recently described gene, is mainly expressed in the kidney, and encodes a proteinnecessary for the activity of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR), especially FGFR1. TheKlotho protein has two variants, a ...
Correa Burrows, María Paulina; Burrows Argote, Raquel; Albala Brevis, Cecilia; Court, F. A.; Salech Morales, Felipe; Sanhueza Olivares, Guillermo; González Billault, Christian (BMC, 2022)Background Aging is characterized by a progressive loss of capacities linked to fundamental alterations/damage in multiple cellular and molecular pathways. It is the most significant risk factor for all non-communicable ...
Salech Morales, Felipe (Universidad de Chile, 2015)La población mundial envejece en forma acelerada. Considerando que el deterioro cognitivo es uno de los principales determinantes de enfermedad y discapacidad de los adultos mayores, la comprensión de sus mecanismos f ...
Salech Morales, Felipe; Valderrama, Sebastián; Nervi, Bruno; Oksenberg Reisberg, Dan; Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Smok Sahid, Gladys; Koch, Alvaro; Duarte, Ignacio; Pérez Ayuso, Rosa María; Jarufe, Nicolás; Martínez, Jorge; Soza, Alejandro; Arrese, Marco; Riquelme, Arnoldo (MEXICAN ASSOC HEPATOLOGY, 2011-03)Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (HEH) is an unusual, low-grade malignant vascular tumor of the liver. Here we describe a case of a 40-year-old woman who presented with abdominal pain in the upper right quadrant ...