Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Prieto, Ruth; Smok, Carolina; Rojas, Mariana (Universidad de la Frontera, 2011)
      Nowadays, Tics are state of the art methodology used at all educational levels. Therefore, we designed a blog spot about Compared Placenta. Visitors found original content and pictures of different development stages. Ten ...
    • Smok, Carolina; Flores, Estefanía; Cattaneo, Gino; Adaro, Luis; Rojas, Mariana (2010)
      The domestication of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has allowed the passage of a reproduction of the annual rate to a non-seasonal type, observing calving throughout the year. However, there are reproductive parameters ...
    • Smok, Carolina; Roa, Ignacio; Prieto, Ruth; Rojas, Mariana (Universidad de la Frontera, 2018)
      Durante el período del desarrollo conocido como prefetal, el embrión cambia sus características ictiomórficas comunes a todos los vertebrados y adquiere gradualmente las formas propias de la especie que representa. Durante ...