Browsing by Author "Steenland, Kyle"
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Pino, Paulina; Iglesias, Verónica; Garreaud Salazar, René; Cortés, Sandra; Canals Lambarri, Mauricio; Folch, Walter; Burgos de la Vega, Soledad; Levy, Karen; Naeher, Luke P.; Steenland, Kyle (Elsevier, 2015)B A C K G R O U N D Chile has recently been reclassified by the World Bank from an upper-middle-income country to a high-income country. There has been great progress in the last 20 to 30 years in relation to air and water ...
Sandaña Samur, Carlos (Universidad de Chile, 2019)Antecedentes: Se estima que aproximadamente un 2,3% de los años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVISA) y un 3,6% de las muertes fueron a causa de enfermedades profesionales durante el año 2016 a nivel mundial, la mayoría ...
Iglesias Álamos, Verónica; Erazo Bahamondes, Marcia; Droppelmann, Andrea; Steenland, Kyle; Aceituno, Paulina; Orellana Pozo, Cecilia; Acuña, Marisol; Peruga, Armando; Breysse, Patrick N.; Navas Acien, Ana (Elsevier, 2014)Objective To evaluate the relative contribution of occupational vs. non-occupational secondhand tobacco smoke exposure to overall hair nicotine concentrations in non-smoking bar and restaurant employees. Method We ...