Browsing by Author "Tomicic, Alemka"
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Barreras de acceso a tratamiento de la depresión posparto en Centros de Atención Primaria de la ... Rojas Castillo, María Graciela; Santelices, María Pía; Martínez, Pablo; Tomicic, Alemka; Reinel, Mahaira; Olhaberry, Marcia; Krause, Mariane (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2015)Background: In Chile, postpartum depression is a prevalent and disabling condition. Universal screening is available but has not been translated into better treatment rates, suggesting the existence of access barriers. ...
Duarte, Javiera; Fischersworring, Martina; Martínez, Claudio; Tomicic, Alemka (Routledge, 2019)Background: Qualitative research has provided knowledge about the subjective experiences of therapists and patients regarding the psychotherapy process and its results. Only few studies have attempted to integrate both ...