Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Bosse, Antje; Zülch, Armin; Becker, May Britt; Torres, Miguel; Gómez Skarmeta, José Luis; Modolell, Juan; Gruss, Peter (1997)
      In Drosophila the decision processes between the neural and epidermal fate for equipotent ectodermal cells depend on the activity of proneural genes. Members of the Drosophila Iroquois-Complex (Iro-C) positively regulate ...
    • Torres, Miguel; Ahumada Franco, José Miguel (Fondo Cultura Económica, 2022)
      In this essay, we postulate the relevance of the center-periphery “vision” to characterize global capitalism in its different periods and, especially, at present. We emphasize the asymmetries between central and peripheral ...