Browsing by Author "Wagler, Annegret K."
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Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. (Elsevier, 2015)A graph is clique-perfect if the maximum number of pairwise disjoint maximal cliques equals the minimum number of vertices intersecting all maximal cliques for each induced subgraph. In this work, we give necessary and ...
Bonomo, Flavia; Durán Maggiolo, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. (2013)A graph is balanced if its clique-matrix contains no edge–vertex incidence matrix of an odd chordless cycle as a submatrix. While a forbidden induced subgraph characterization of balanced graphs is known, there is no ...
Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. (Elsevier, 2020)Perfect graphs form a well-known class of graphs introduced by Berge in the 1960s in terms of a min-max type equality involving two famous graph parameters. In this work, we survey certain variants and subclasses of perfect ...