Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Maza Sancho, José; Phillips, M. M.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Wischnjewsky, M.; Smith, R. C.; Antezana, Roberto; Wells, L. A.; González, L. E.; Gigoux, P.; Navarrete, M.; Barrientos, F.; Lamontagne, R.; Della Valle, Massimo; Elias, J. E.; Phillips, A. C.; Odewahn, S. C.; Baldwin, J. A.; Walker, A. R.; Williams, T.; Sturch, C.; Baganoff, F. K.; Chaboyer, Brian; Schommer, R. A.; Tirado, H.; Hernández, M.; Ugarte, P.; Guhathakurta, P.; Howell, S. B.; Szkody, P.; Schmidtke, P. C.; Roth, J. (AMER INST PHYSICS, 1993-12)
      We have started a search for supernovae as a collaboration between the University of Chile and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, with the aim of producing a moderately distant (0.01 < z < 0.10) sample of Type ...
    • Méndez Bussard, René Alejandro; Ruiz González, María Teresa; Maza Sancho, José; Wischnjewsky, M. (1992-03)
      We analyze the results of a proper motion survey in a couple of ESO R 5° X 5° fields, finding evidence for faint (and primarily red) members of the Hyades and UMa moving groups. By the velocity ellipsoid of the Hyades and ...
    • Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Phillips, M. M.; Maza Sancho, José; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Della Valle, Massimo; Danzinger, J.; Antezana, Roberto; Wischnjewsky, M.; Avilés, Roberto; Schommer, Robert A.; Kim, Y. C.; Wells, Lisa A.; Ruiz González, María Teresa; Prosser, Charles F.; Krzeminski, W.; Baylin, Charles D.; Hartigan, Patrick; Hughes, Joanne (1994-12)
      We present spectroscopic and photometric data for SN 1992K, a Type Ia event found in the course of the Calan/Tololo supernova survey. These data show an impressive similarity with the spectra and light curves of the atypical ...