Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • d’Alencon, Claudia; Peña, Oscar A.; Wittmann, Christine; Gallardo, Viviana E.; Jones, Rebecca A.; Loosli, Felix; Liebel, Urban; Grabher, Clemens; Allende Connelly, Miguel (BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2010-12-22)
      Background: Studies on innate immunity have benefited from the introduction of zebrafish as a model system. Transgenic fish expressing fluorescent proteins in leukocyte populations allow direct, quantitative visualization ...
    • O’Brien, Erin K.; d’Alencon, Claudia; Bonde, Gregory; Li, Wei; Schoenebeck, Jeff; Allende Connelly, Miguel; Gelb, Bruce D.; Yelon, Deborah; Eisen, Judith S.; Cornell, Robert A. (ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2003-09-35)
      The genes that control development of embryonic melanocytes are poorly defined. Although transcription factor Ap-2a is expressed in neural crest (NC) cells, its role in development of embryonic melanocytes and other neural ...