Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • Quintero Ángel, Mauricio; Carvajal Escobar, Yesid; Aldunce Ide, Paulina (Universidad de Caldas, Colombia, 2012)
      Dado el aumento en la frecuencia de eventos hidro meteorológicos extremos, asociados a la variabilidad climática y/o cambio climático, y la mayor vulnerabilidad de las sociedades humanas frente a estas amenazas, se ...
    • Montalva, Nicolás; Adhikari, Kaustubh; Liebert, Anke; Mendoza Revilla, Javier; Flores, Sergio V.; Mace, Ruth; Swallow, Dallas M. (Wiley, 2019)
      The genetic trait of lactase persistence (LP) evolved as an adaptation to milking pastoralism in the Old World and is a well-known example of positive natural selection in humans. However, the specific mechanisms conferring ...
    • López, M. E.; Cádiz Escobar, María Ignacia; Rondeau, E. B.; Koop, B. F.; Yáñez López, José Manuel (Nature, 2021)
      Animal domestication and artificial selection give rise to gradual changes at the genomic level in populations. Subsequent footprints of selection, known as selection signatures or selective sweeps, have been traced in the ...
    • Magni Díaz, Carlos; Espinoza, Sergio; Garrido Astete, Emilio (SISEF-SOC Italiana Selvicolture Ecol Forestale, 2016)
      Seed germination, seedling growth and biomass allocation of the endemic species Peumus boldus Mol. (Boldo) were studied in four provenances (two northern and two southern provenances) from central Chile. Seeds collected ...
    • Hasbún Mancilla, Julio Octavio; Aldunce Ide, Paulina; Blanco Wells, Gustavo; Browne Sartori, Rodrigo (Universidad Autónoma Estado de México, 2017)
      This article presents a discourse analysis of four digital media press in Chile with regard to mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The research, unprecedented for the Chilean case, is aimed at acknowledging the ...
    • Cabalieri Mihovilović, Constanza Antonia (Universidad de Chile, 2021)
      El cambio climático afectará las zonas de producción agropecuaria e impactará en los territorios agrícolas de Chile. Este fenómeno es considerado una amenaza desde el punto de vista ambiental, social y económico. Conocer ...
    • Gonzalez, Francisco R.; Raval, Simit; Taplin, Ros; Timms, Wendy; Hitch, Michael (Springer New York LLC, 2019)
      © 2018, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences.The impact that climate change may play in the future sustainability of mining projects has become increasingly important for the mining industry and its ...
    • Schünemann, Holger; Wiercioch, Wojtek; Brozek, Jan; Etxeandia Ikobaltzeta, Itziar; Mustafa, Reem; Manja, Veena; Brignardello Petersen, Romina; Neumann, Ignacio; Falavigna, Maicon; Alhazzani, Waleed; Santesso, Nancy; Zhang, Yuan; Meerpohl, Jörg; Morgan, Rebecc; Rochwerg, Bram; Darzi, Andrea; Ximenas Rojas, María; Carrasco Labra, Alonso; AlRayees, Zulfa; Riva, John; Bollig, Claudia; Moore, Ainsley; Yepes-Nuñez, Juan; Cuello, Carlos; Waziry, Reem; Akl, Elie A (Elsevier USA, 2017)
      Background Guideline developers can: (1) adopt existing recommendations from others; (2) adapt existing recommendations to their own context; or (3) create recommendations de novo. Monetary and nonmonetary resources, ...
    • Valdivieso, Patricio; Andersson, Krister P.; Villena Roldán, Benjamín (Springer, 2017)
      We study how the local institutional context shapes local government decisions about responses to perceived threats of natural disasters and climatic change. We draw on institutional theories and field observations to ...
    • Calderón, Gabriela; Garrido Salinas, Marco; Acevedo Hinojosa, Edmundo (Sociedad de Biología Chile, 2015)
      Prosopis tamarugo Phil. is a legume tree native to the Atacama Desert, Chile. Tamarugo has physiological characteristics that are highly adapted to extreme life conditions in the Pampa del Tamarugal. Null precipitation ...
    • Locatelli, Bruno; Aldunce Ide, Paulina; Fallot, Abigail; Le Coq, Jean François; Sabourin, Eric; Tapasco, Jeimar (MDPI AG, 2017)
      Research on climate change policies can contribute to policy development by building an understanding of the barriers faced in policy processes, and by providing knowledge needed throughout policy cycles. This paper explores ...
    • Ruiz, Karina B.; Aloisi, Iris; Del Duca, Stefano; Canelo, Valentina; Torrigiani, Patrizia; Silva, Herman; Biondi, Stefania (Elsevier, 2016-04)
      Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a highly salt-tolerant species subdivided into five ecotypes and exhibiting broad intra-specific differences in tolerance levels. In a greenhouse study, Chilean landraces belonging ...
    • Sapiains Arrué, Rodolfo; Ugarte Caviedes, Ana María; Aldunce Ide, Paulina (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2017)
      Este artículo analiza los distintos significados del concepto de participación, para avanzar hacia un modelo más inclusivo de gobernanza del cambio climático en Chile. Para ello, se presenta una revisión bibliográfica ...
    • Errázuriz, Paula; Opazo, Sebastián; Behn, Alex; Silva, Oscar; Gloger, Sergio (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2017)
      © 2017 Errázuriz, Opazo, Behn, Silva and Gloger. This study assessed the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Shortened Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-30.2, Lambert et al., 2004) validated with a sample of 546 ...
    • Véliz Rojas, Karina; Kaufmann, Robert K.; Cleveland, Cutler J.; Stoner, Anne M.K. (Elsevier, 2017-07)
      Climate change affects consumer expenditures by altering the consumption of and price for electricity. Previous analyses focus solely on the former, which implicitly assumes that climate-induced changes in consumption do ...