Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Medel Contreras, Rodrigo (Ecological Society of America, 2000)
      A two-year field study was conducted to evaluate the potential of two cactus species, Echinopsis chilensis and Eulychnia acida, to evolve defensive traits against the parasitic mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae). ...
    • Barron Montenegro, Rocío; Rivera, Dácil; Serrano Castillo, María Jesús; García, Rodrigo; Álvarez, Diana M.; Benavides, Julio; Arredondo, Fernanda; Álvarez, Francisca P.; Bastías, Roberto; Ruiz Philipps, Soledad Alejandra; Hamilton-West Miranda, Christopher Norman; Castro Nallar, Eduardo; Moreno-Switt, Andrea I. (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      Salmonella spp. is a relevant foodborne pathogen with worldwide distribution. To mitigate Salmonella infections, bacteriophages represent an alternative to antimicrobials and chemicals in food animals and food in general. ...
    • Medel Contreras, Rodrigo; Botto Mahan, Carezza; Smith Ramírez, Cecilia; Méndez, Marco; Ossa, Carmen G.; Caputo, Luciano; González, Wilfredo L. (2002)
      We present quantitative information on the natural history of a host-parasite interaction that consists on the holoparasitic mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae) and its cacti host species. More specifically, we ...
    • Burger, Joseph R.; Chesh, Adrian S.; Muñoz, Pamela; Fredes Martínez, Fernando; Ebensperger, Luis A.; Hayes, Loren D. (Springer, 2012)
      Social animals are susceptible to high infection levels by contact-transmitted parasites due to increased conspecific interaction. Exotic parasites are known to have adverse consequences on native hosts. We examined ...