Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Berger, Zoltán; Fehér, Erzsébet (1997)
      Conclusion. These results provide morphological evidence for an alcohol- induced selective intrapancreatic nerve degeneration. This affected mainly the nerve fibers that are inhibitory of the exocrine pancreas, and might ...
    • Aguilar Bolados, Héctor; López Manchado, Miguel; Brasero, Justo; Aviles, F.; Yazdani-Pedram Zobeiri, Mehrdad (Elsevier, 2016)
      Graphene materials often are obtained through thermal reduction of graphite oxide. This is due to the fact that other synthesis methods are more difficult and generally render lower yield. The structure and morphology of ...
    • Zapata Urzúa, Claudio; Pérez Ortiz, Magdalena; Acosta, Gerardo A.; Mendoza, Joan; Yedra, Lluis; Estradé, Sonia; Álvarez Lueje, Alejandro; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Albericio, Fernando; Lavilla, Rodolfo; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo (Elsevier, 2015)
      Anisotropic and branched gold nanoparticles have great potential in optical, chemical and biomedical applications. However their syntheses involve multi-step protocols and the use of cytotoxic agents. Here, we report a ...
    • Johnson, Carol A.; Freyer, Gina; Fabisch, Maria; Caraballo Monge, Manuel; Küsel, Kirsten; Hochella, Michael F. (CSIRO, 2014)
      In this study of iron- and silica-bearing nanoparticle and colloid aggregates in slightly acidic mine drainage, we combined bulk scale geochemistry techniques with detailed nanoscale analyses using high-resolution transmission ...
    • Hernández Cáceres, María Paz; Cereceda, Karina; Hernández, Sergio; Li, Ying; Narro, Carla; Rivera, Patricia; Silva, Patricio; Ávalos, Yenniffer; Jara, Claudia; Burgos, Paulina; Toledo Valenzuela, Lilian; Lagos, Pablo; Cifuentes Araneda, Flavia; Pérez Leighton, Claudio; Bertocchi, Cristina; Clegg, Deborah J.; Criollo Céspedes, Alfredo; Tapia Rojas, Cheril; Burgos, Patricia V.; Morselli, Eugenia (Taylor & Francis, 2020)
      High-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity is associated with increased cancer risk. Long-term feeding with HFD increases the concentration of the saturated fatty acid palmitic acid (PA) in the hypothalamus. We previously showed ...
    • Arranz, Rocío; Mercado, Gabriela; Martín-Benito, Jaime; Giraldo, Rafael; Monasterio Opazo, Octavio; Lagos Mónaco, Rosalba; Valpuesta, José M. (2012)
      Microcin E492 is a low-molecular weight, channel-forming bacteriotoxin that generates amyloid structures. Using electron microscopy and image processing techniques several structural conformations can be observed. Prior ...
    • Godoy, Karina; Sandoval, Cristian; Manterola Barroso, Carlos; Vásquez, Claudio; Sepúlveda, Noelia; Rojas Rauco, Mariana Antonia; Salazar, Luis A. (MDPI, 2022)
      Simple Summary Bone deformities in the axial skeleton represent a frequent bone pathology in farmed salmonids, affecting the quality of life and even increasing mortality. Bone deformation can affect the formation, repair, ...
    • Pouchucq, Luis; Lobos Ruiz, Pablo; Araya, Gissela; Marfa Valpuesta, Jose; Monasterio Opazo, Octavio (Elsevier, 2018)
      The type II chaperonin CCT is involved in the prevention of the pathogenesis of numerous human misfolding disorders, as it sequesters misfolded proteins, blocks their aggregation and helps them to achieve their native ...
    • Bustos-Obregón, E.; Holstein, A. F. (Springer-Verlag, 1976)
      The ultrastructure of the normal human rete testis was analyzed. The rete testis cavities are irregularly shaped and contain virtually no spermatozoa. Smooth muscle cells often surround the cavities. In the epithelial ...
    • Duchens, M.; Rodríguez Martínez, H.; Forsberg, M.; Gustafsson, H. (1996)
      The present study was undertaken to determine if a short-term prolonged growth of the ovulatory follicle (12 to 18 h after expected time of ovulation), induced by progesterone implants, would cause ultrastructural changes ...