Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Román, Rossana; Johnson, María Cecilia; Codner Dujovne, Ethel; Boric Scarpa, María Angélica; Ávila, Alejandra; Cassorla Goluboff, Fernando (2004)
      Objective To identify GNAS1 gene mutations in girls with exaggerated and/or chronic fluctuating thelarche for at least 1-year duration with no other signs of precocious puberty, skeletal dysplasia, or typical skin lesions ...
    • GARCIA,; Youlton,; Valladares,; Jara Jara, Luis; Cattani,; Tijmes,; GARCIA, (1995)
      Hormone profile and pelvic ultrasonography were studied in 41 girls with premature thelarche aged 21.2 ± 9.7 months and in 39 non affected control girls of the same age and social status. Estrogenic contaminants were looked ...