Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Muñoz Sáez, Andrés; Pérez Quezada, Jorge; Estades Marfán, Cristián (Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2017-05-31)
      Background: Understanding the role of agroecosystems as habitat for wildlife is crucial for long-term conservation planning, as different crop stratification and landscape elements can influence bird communities, which are ...
    • Zamorano Miranda, Jorge; Bartomeus, Ignasi; Grez Villarroel, Audrey; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro (Wiley, 2020)
      Conventional intensification of agriculture has reduced the availability of resources for pollinators, reducing their diversity and affecting plant pollination, both in natural habitats and croplands. Field margin floral ...