Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Arias, Paola A.; Garreaud Salazar, René Darío; Poveda, Germán; Espinoza, Jhan Carlo; Molina Carpio, Jorge; Masiokas, Mariano; Viale, Maximiliano; Scaff, Lucia; Van Oevelen, Peter J. (Frontiers Media, 2021)
      This paper provides an updated review of the most relevant scientific literature related to the hydroclimate of the Andes. The Andes, the longest cordillera in the world, faces major challenges regarding climate variability ...
    • Ávarez Garretón, Camila; Boisier Echeñique, Juan Pablo; Garreaud Salazar, René Darío; Seibert, Jan; Vis, Marc (Copernicus, 2021)
      A decade-long (2010-2020) period with precipitation deficits in central-south Chile (30-41 degrees S), the so-called megadrought (MD), has led to streamflow depletions of larger amplitude than expected from precipitation ...