Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Soto Bauerle, María Victoria; Sarricolea Espinoza, Pablo; Sepúlveda, Sergio; Rodolfi, Giuliano; Cabello, Misael; Maerker, Michael (Springer, 2017)
      Two micro-catchments, tributaries of the Elqui River in the coastal range of the semiarid central-northern Chile were analyzed to establish the hazard potentials associated with extreme rainfall and their effects on the ...
    • Jara, Francisco; Lagos Zúñiga, Miguel; Fuster Gómez, Rodrigo; Mattar Bader, Cristian; McPhee Torres, James Peter (MDPI, 2021)
      Seasonal snow and glaciers in arid mountain regions are essential in sustaining human populations, economic activity, and ecosystems, especially in their role as reservoirs. However, they are threatened by global atmospheric ...
    • Melsen, Lieke A.; Teuling, Adriaan J.; Torfs, Paul J.J.F.; Zappa, Massimiliano; Mizukami, Naoki; Mendoza, Pablo A.; Clark, Martyn P.; Uijlenhoet, Remko (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      © 2018 The Author(s)It is generally acknowledged in the environmental sciences that the choice of a computational model impacts the research results. In this study of a flood and drought event in the Swiss Thur basin, we ...
    • Barría Sandoval, Pilar Andrea; Barría Sandoval, Ignacio; Guzmán, Carlos; Chadwick I, Cristián; Álvarez Garretón, Camila; Díaz Vasconcellos, Raúl Andrés; Ocampo Melgar, Anahi; Fuster Gómez, Rodrigo (University of California, USA, 2021)
      Chile is positioned in the 20th rank of water availability per capita. Nonetheless, water security levels vary across the territory. Around 70% of the national population lives in arid and semiarid regions, where a persistent ...