Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Nogales-Gaete, Jorge; Aracena, Rodrigo; Cepeda-Zumaeta, Sergio; Eloiza, Claudio; Agurto, Paula; Díaz, Vannia; Labbé, Silvia; Martínez, Séfora; Flores, Jazmín; Araya, Casandra (Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2014)
      Background: Immunomodulatory drugs (IMD), Interferon β1a, β1 b and glatiramer acetate are available in the Chilean public health system since June 2008 for patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RR-MS). ...
    • Loi, Florence; Córdova Jara, Luis; Zhang, Ruth; Pajarinen, Jukka; Lin, Tzu-hua; Goodman, Stuart B.; Yao, Zhenyu (BioMed Central, 2016)
      Background: Bone formation and remodeling are influenced by the inflammatory state of the local microenvironment. In this regard, macrophages are postulated to play a crucial role in modulating osteogenesis. However, the ...
    • Frigerio, Sofía; Da Costa, Valeria; Costa, Monique; Festari, María Florencia; Landeira, Mercedes; Rodríguez Zraquia, Santiago A.; Härtel Gründler, Steffen; Toledo Hernández, Jorge; Freire, Toledo (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      Eosinophils are granulocytes that participate in the defense against helminth parasites and in hypersensitivity reactions. More recently, eosinophils were shown to have other immunomodulatory functions, such as tissue ...
    • Pedraza Roca, Macarena; Valencia Yáñez, Verónica (Universidad de Chile, 2017)
      Introducción: El reciente descubrimiento de la existencia de un microbioma placentario en placentas humanas post-alumbramiento, ha puesto en entredicho, la creencia habitual de que el ambiente uterino durante la gestación ...
    • Nazzal N., Omar; Suárez P., Eugenio; Venegas, Marcia; Larraguibel P., Raúl; Rojas F., Luciano; Bronda M., Alessandro; Saavedra C., Miguel; Rojas U., Jessica (2008)
      Antecedentes: La infección persistente por VPH de alto riesgo se asocia con cáncer cervicouterino, encontrándose positividad en el 99,7% de los casos. Las verrugas anogenitales son una forma de presentación de la infección ...
    • Huaman, Olger; Bahamonde, Javiera; Cahuascanco, Berly; Jervis, Miguel; Palomino, Jaime; Torres, Cristian G.; Peralta, Oscar A. (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      Little information is currently available on therapeutic features of bovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), despite the development of large animal experimental models including cattle may open alternative strategies for ...
    • Sosoniuk Roche, Eduardo Rodrigo; Cruz, Pamela; Maldonado, Ismael; Duaso, Leonora; Pesce Reyes, Bárbara; Michalak, Marek; Valck Calderón, Carolina Eliana; Ferreira Vigouroux, Arturo (Elsevier, 2020)
      American Trypanosomiasis, a parasitic disease produced by Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), endemic in Latin America, infects about 6 million people. During the chronic stage of the infection, approximately 30% of infected ...
    • Amengual Peñafiel, Luis; Córdova Jara, Luis; Jara Sepúlveda, Constanza; Brañes Aroca, Manuel; Marchesani Carrasco, Francisco; Cartes Velásquez, Ricardo (Elsevier, 2021)
      There is a complex interaction between titanium dental implants, bone, and the immune system. Among them, specific immune cells,macrophages play a crucial role in the osseointegration dynamics.Infiltrating macrophages ...
    • Garay Gutiérrez, Noé Francisco; Hernández Fuentes, Carolina; García Rivas, Gerardo; Lavandero González, Sergio; Guerrero Beltrán, Carlos Enrique (Springer, 2020)
      Even though effective drugs for treating hypertension are available, a great percentage of patients have inadequate control of their blood pressure. Unwanted side effects and inappropriate oral drug adherence are important ...