Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Vuddanda, Parameswara Rao; Montenegro Nicolini, Miguel; Morales Montecinos, Javier; Velaga, Sitaram (Elsevier, 2017)
      The aim of the present work was to prepare tadalafil (TDF) nanocrystals-loaded oral polymeric films (OFs) and investigate the effect of hydrophilic surfactants and drug loads on the physico-mechanical and dissolution ...
    • Benavente Espinosa, Eglantina; Maldonado, Carlos; Devis, Sindy; Díaz, Leslie; Lozano, Harold; Sotomayor Torres, Clivia; González Moraga, Guillermo (The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016)
      A novel hybrid nanocomposite constituted of single TiO2 nanosheets sandwiched between stearic acid self-assembled monolayers was synthesized and tested in the photodegradation of methylene blue under sunlight. The product ...
    • Díaz Valenzuela, Carlos Manuel; Valenzuela, M. L.; Laguna Bercero, Miguel A.; Carrillo Agüero, Daniel Andrés; Segovia Monrroy, Marjorie Meryann; Mendoza, Karina; Cartes Lara, Patricio Andrés (American Chemical Society, 2021)
      Thoria was prepared using a solid-state method from the macromolecular precursor Chitosan center dot Th(NO3)(4) (chitosan) and PS-co-4-PVP center dot Th(NO3)(4) (PVP). The morphology and the average size of ThO2 depend of ...