Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Cano Cappellacci, Marcelo; Aleitte Leyton, Fernanda; Durán Carreño, Joshua (Faculdade Saude Publica da USR, 2015)
      OBJECTIVE: To validate a Spanish version of the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2) for the Chilean population. METHODS: Descriptive, transversal, non-experimental validity and reliability study. Four translators, ...
    • Antini Irribarra, Carmen; Rajs, Danuta; Muñoz Quezada, María Teresa; Lucero Mondaca, Boris Andrés; Heiss, Gerardo (Cadernos Saude Publica, 2015)
      This study evaluates the agreement of nosologic coding of cardiovascular causes of death between a Chilean coder and one in the United States, in a stratified random sample of death certificates of persons aged ≥ 60, ...
    • Espinoza Venegas, Maritza; Sanhueza Alvarado, Olivia; Ramírez Elizondo, Noé; Sáez Carrillo, Katia (Univ Sao Paulo, 2015)
      The current study aimed to validate the construct and reliability of an emotional intelligence scale. Method: The Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 was applied to 349 nursing students. The process included content validation, which ...